Following the same story of beloved 1964 animated special, director Becky Brunsman found it worked especially well for featuring a diverse cast as the story has an inclusion factor of being, looking or feeling different and not fitting in and overcoming it.
“The misfits theme has a message about learning how to pull together and work together,” Brunsman said.
Students from Developmental Disabilities of Clark County are in the cast, including one who will use sign language and another in a wheelchair. Given that spaces to rehearse in are limited or cost to rent, Developmental Disabilities stepped up by offering a large room and its gym to fill the need.
Brunsman was grateful for the partnership and pleased to see other cast members taking care of these kids and treating them as equals. As a tribute, the cast will end the show with an a cappella sign song.
Another positive is cast members come from schools across the county, allowing new friendships to form and supporting each other, especially the oldest looking after the youngest. There’s also one adult in the cast who will portray the abominable snowman since he had to be big and Brunsman said the kids love working with him.
“They’re like a can of worms, they all flock together,” said Brunsman.
While the animated Rudolph is a staple of the season, Brunsman said this will give the audience a different but familiar take on the classic.
“It will be a lot different with the live energy the audience will get coming across the footlights,” she said.
What: “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer, Jr.”
Where: The John Legend Theater, 700 S. Limestone St., Springfield
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 and Friday, Dec. 16 and 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17
Admission: adults $15, seniors and students $12
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