Clark, Champaign health districts to host several vaccine clinics

They have set up several community clinics, as well as offering shots at high schools.

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

Local county health districts are hosting several COVID-19 vaccination clinics over the next several weeks.

The Clark County Combined Health District will host a drive-thru clinic each week on Tuesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. through June 22 at Circus Plaza, 297 E. Leffel Lane, according to a release from the CCCHD.

The Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines will be offered at the weekly clinics.

The health district also has more than 20 different pop-up vaccine clinics scheduled around Clark County this month. For details on these clinics, visit the health department’s website.

The Champaign Health District will host a clinic from 3 to 7 p.m. on Thursday in the auditorium. Pre-registration is required by visiting, or by calling 937-484-1605.

The health departments are continuing to host more community clinics in an attempt to reach more residents, and have been scheduling clinics at local high schools.

Tecumseh Local Schools will host a clinic from 4 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

“We recently sent out a survey, in response to a request from the CCCHD, inquiring the interest level in receiving the vaccine if it was offered at a site in our community. The survey results indicated an interest from close to 200 individuals. Thus, as a response to the high interest level, Tecumseh will offer our high school as a location for personnel from the CCCHD to administer the vaccine,” Superintendent Paula Crew said.

Northwestern Local Schools will host their second clinic from noon to 4 p.m. on Friday for the second round of vaccinations and for first round vaccinations for anyone 12 years and older.

Clark-Shawnee Local Schools will also host their second clinic for second doses from 1 to 5 p.m. on Monday, May 24.

Northeastern High School will host a clinic from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25.

The clinics are for anyone age 12 and older. A parent or guardian must be present for those younger than age 18. Students must have a parent or guardian sign a consent form before the vaccination. The consent and registration form can be picked up at the school clinics.

Other schools that have held vaccine clinics include Springfield City, Emmanuel Christian Academy, Mechanicsburg Exempted Village, Triad Local, Graham Local and Urbana City schools.

Clark County had 14,091 cases and 299 deaths of the coronavirus as of Monday afternoon, according to the Ohio Department of Health. Champaign County had 3,352 cases and 58 deaths.

As of Monday, 52,184 vaccination shots had been given in Clark County, according to ODH. Just under 39% of the county’s total population has received at least one vaccine shot. Nearly 35% is fully vaccinated.

In Champaign County, 12,449 vaccination shots have been given, according to ODH. Roughly 32% of the county’s total population has received at least one vaccine shot. Just over 28% is fully vaccinated.

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