Clark, Champaign districts start summer learning: What does this mean for masks in schools?

All making them optional.

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

Public health orders related to the coronavirus pandemic were lifted last week by Gov. Mike DeWine’s administration.

Ohio’s mask wearing and social distancing mandate will was dropped, with the exceptions of nursing homes and assisted living facilities who will have some requirements.

Most school districts in Clark and Champaign counties will follow the guidance from DeWine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding masking and social distancing during the summer when they have extended learning programs for students.

All schools in Clark and Champaign counties will make masks optional for summer learning.

Northwestern Local Schools is one out of 11 districts that will make masks optional.

“We will make masks optional after June 2. We will continue to social distance as best we can. We will continue to work with our students on their good hand hygiene. We will encourage masks when in crowded situations, but masks will be optional,” said Superintendent Jesse Steiner.

“Social distancing, mask wearing and hand washing are good ways to slow the spread of the flu, cold, COVID-19 and other viruses that go around ... We made this decision because COVID-19 has not gone away. If we can continue most of our safety protocols except masks, it will help slow the spread of COVID-19,” he added.

Other schools that will make masks optional include Clark-Shawnee, Greenon, Northeastern, Southeastern, Tecumseh, Mechanicsburg, Urbana and Triad.

Triad’s Superintendent Vickie Hoffman said they are making masks optional, not only because health orders were lifted, but also because the summer learning students are spread out at all three buildings and have plenty of space.

All schools are still working through their fall plans regarding masks.

Schools plans regarding masks during summer learning:

Clark County -

Clark-Shawnee: Masks optional.

Greenon: Masks optional.

Northeastern: Masks optional.

Northwestern: Masks optional.

Southeastern: Masks optional.

Springfield: Masks optional.

Tecumseh: Masks optional.

Champaign County -

Graham: Masks optional.

Mechanicsburg: Masks optional.

Triad: Masks optional.

Urbana: Masks optional.

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