The show, titled “Attention Must Be Paid,” will be presented to the public June 3-4 at the Clark State Performing Arts Center’s Turner Studio Theatre.
Given teens and students are often exposed and sometimes pressured into substance abuse that can lead to addiction issues, several area groups are uniting to bring the production to life with the thought that students addressing their peers is more effective messaging.
They include Clark County Partners in Prevention, Oesterlen Services for Youth, Gary Geis Dance Company and the Clark State Performing Arts Center.
“It’s presented from a teen point of view and when you think about addiction, you can understand addiction, start a conversation about addiction and through theater arts it can tell the story,” said Beth Dixon, who will direct the show. “The project is aimed at making kids the teachers to our community, to educate about addiction and how to prevent it.”
A unique aspect of the casting call is those who audition don’t have to have previous theatrical experience – all levels are welcome to come out. Those participating don’t need to prepare an audition piece, but will learn a song, movements and a reading. There will be 12 in the cast.
“We would like to see all talent levels and all ages,” Dixon said.
Joining Dixon will be Eric Barga as music director and Mark Cummings of the Gary Geis School of Dance will help choreograph one of the numbers.
Part of the show’s message is to give the kids the experience of addiction through movement, song and readings.
“Using theater to tell a story is exciting and having so many community groups coming together to tell the story is also exciting,” said Dixon. “We can’t wait to see these talented kids and to tell this important story to the public.”
For more information, contact Dixon at 937-206-1753 or
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