Best, worst places for women

The United Nations’ latest Human Development Report ranks the United States in the top five of 148 countries in its study of human well-being, just behind Norway, Australia, Switzerland and the Netherlands. That’s the good news.

Now the bad news: The report shows there’s a clear discrepancy between how well men and women are doing. Globally, “women are eight percent less well-off than men, considering concerns like education achievement, life expectancy and income,” according to FastCompany reporter Ben Schiller.

Is there any country where women are doing equally as well as or better than men? Turns out there’s 16, and many of them may surprise you: Argentina, Barbados, Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Poland, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine and Uruguay.

For women’s well-being, the U.S. ranked 47th. Thoughts? Email

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