One mystery solved for former one-room schoolhouse in Clark County

The school bell can still be seen in the wooden bell tower above the door of Central School.

The school bell can still be seen in the wooden bell tower above the door of Central School.

Thanks to the historical archives preserved by the Enon Community Historical Society, we now have a name for the brick school at 4865 Rebert Pike.

Since I first wrote in November about the old one-room school house on Rebert Pike, I’ve learned a little more.

It was called Central School, because it was located in the center of Mad River Township. According to records this was the third school built in the townshipl.

The first Central School was made of logs. In about 1900, a newer brick building, the one we see now, was erected. It wasn’t used too many years before the rising population of the area led to a merger of all the small schools into one township-wide district, Mad River Twp.

According to the History of Clark County from W.H. Beers and Company, this building was also used as a polling place and for township meetings because it was centrally located.

Although we know there had to be more names on the rosters, only three students are in the ECHS files: Carl Forbeck, John William Layton and Roy Harding. Gladys Denlinger attended as a 5-year-old under the watchful eye of her Aunt Sara.

After the last article Loretta, (McDonald) Verbillion who lives on Hagen Road, contacted me with the names of two more students, her father, Glen E. McDonald, and his sister, Gladys McDonald Hursch. They attended between 1913 and 1920.

The names of only three of the teachers are in the files: Sara Denlinger, who taught from 1909 to 1910; Frank Rupert, who taught from 1912-1913; and A.A. Arthur in 1915.

Denlinger would travel from Enon in a horse and buggy and leave her horse with the farmer who had the octagonal barn across the road from the school. According to stories, the farmer would have her horse “harnessed and hitched to the buggy” at the end of the school day.

School teacher Layton was related to the Laytons who owned the octagonal barn and was known to rent lodgings with the families of students throughout the school year.

My biggest questions still remain unanswered.

I hope to someday locate the old school records. And I’m hoping to hear from other long-time residents of the area around Central School who have more information to add to the files at

I’m also curious as to who built the small dam, when and why. Someone has to know. I’m hopeful that we will add to that file at ECHS.

It would be nice if someday a simple sign could be on the front of the building on near it saying just that and the dates it was active.

The picturesque Central School with its lovely waterfall is still in the middle of the community. It is one of our favorite historical spots to see as we drive though the countryside and it would be nice to know more of its story.

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