Can you help find Cinderella? Princess again stolen from Veteran’s Park

The Cinderella cutout at Veteran’s Park in Springfield has been stolen yet again.

National Trails Parks and Recreation District Director, Leann Castillo said the princess went missing sometime over the weekend. The post to which she was attached was also missing and the hole in the ground was filled.

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“So many kids love it,” she said. “It’s sad because they’re upset.”

The cutout was added to the park a few years ago, but this is the second time Cinderella has been stolen. She was taken in Feb. 2015 and later found in an alley next to a drive-thru on East Main Street.

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Within the last year, the cutout has also been shot at and Cinderella’s eyes have been burnt out with a blow torch.

Castillo said it’s upsetting that people continue to damage the addition to the park.

“That park has a special place in a lot of people’s heart,” she said. Castillo mentioned the countless wedding and dance photos that have been taken next to the park’s pumpkin carriage and the little girls who wear their princess costumes to visit Cinderella.

If anyone sees the cutout, she asks they either drop it off at the park, the NTPRD office or the Springfield Police Division. They can also call NTPRD.

“We won’t ask questions — we just want her back,” Castillo said.

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