Clark County Pet of the Week

Meet Trip! He is an approximate 5-years-old, 52 lb. Boxer mix. Trip is a laid back guy and is looking for a home to settle down in. He seems to do well with other dogs but, we do always recommend a meet-n-greet, prior to adopting. His adoption fee this week is $77, as he is Clark County Dog Shelter’s Pet of the Week. This includes his neuter, vaccines, microchip, 2022 dog license, and a free vet check. Call 937-521-2140 and make an appointment to meet him. Clark County Dog Shelter is at 5201 Urbana Road, Springfield. CONTRIBUTED

Meet Trip! He is an approximate 5-years-old, 52 lb. Boxer mix. Trip is a laid back guy and is looking for a home to settle down in. He seems to do well with other dogs but, we do always recommend a meet-n-greet, prior to adopting. His adoption fee this week is $77, as he is Clark County Dog Shelter’s Pet of the Week. This includes his neuter, vaccines, microchip, 2022 dog license, and a free vet check. Call 937-521-2140 and make an appointment to meet him. Clark County Dog Shelter is at 5201 Urbana Road, Springfield. CONTRIBUTED

Meet Trip! He is an approximate 5-years-old, 52 lb. Boxer mix. Trip is a laid back guy and is looking for a home to settle down in. He seems to do well with other dogs but, we do always recommend a meet-n-greet, prior to adopting. His adoption fee this week is $77, as he is Clark County Dog Shelter’s Pet of the Week. This includes his neuter, vaccines, microchip, 2022 dog license, and a free vet check. Call 937-521-2140 and make an appointment to meet him. Clark County Dog Shelter is at 5201 Urbana Road, Springfield. CONTRIBUTED