Alan Jeffrey Moore, 44, of 1440 Delta Road, Apt. H, theft, innocent, continued, bond $1,500.
Alan J. Moore, 44, of 1440 Delta Road, firearms in motor vehicle, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, bond $5,000.
Kalia B. Serna, 23, of 3400 Hanson Road, theft, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact, released on own recognizance bond.
Shelby M. Webb, 30, of 2579 Ballentine Pike, child endangering, continued, released on own recognizance bond.
Isaiah Clay, 27, of 2015 Huron Ave., child endangering, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, credit for time served, 6 months of probation, 90 days jail susp on 6 months probation, costs within 60 days.
Roberto D. Cortez, 22, of 1725 S. Center St., OVI, bench warrant ordered.
Samuel H. Douglas, 40, theft, bench warrant ordered.
Meza M. Gomez, 33, of New Carlisle, OVI, dismissed, OVI, guilty, 60 days of jail with 57 days suspended, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 60 days jail, 57 susp, 3 days credit for time served for driver’s intervention program, administrative license suspension terminated without fee, fine and costs within 30 days, fined $375, drive without valid license, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed, parking on highway, dismissed.
Thurston L. Goodjohn Jr., 40, of 1611 Lagonda Ave., assault, guilty, 60 days of jail, 16 days credit for time served, jail time concurrent with 22CR0850, to pay costs within 6 months.
Reyes A. Mendez, 31, of 139 Wilson Avenue, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI, bench warrant ordered, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, fail stop/yield stop sign, bench warrant ordered, marked lanes, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Kelly L. Davis, 46, of Ironton, theft, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with Walgreens.
Kelly L. Davis, 46, of Ironton, criminal damaging, continued, public defender appointed.
David A. Dodson, 42, of 705 Meredith St., theft, continued, no contact with GameStop.
Stefan E. Jones, 48, of 312 Ludlow Ave., assault, continued, no contact.
Stefan E. Jones, 48, of 312 Ludlow Ave., theft, continued, no contact with Cashland E. Main St.
Will R. Lewis, 31, of Cincinnati, theft, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with GameStop.
Nicholas A. Smith, 26, of 1300 W. Cedarview Drive, obstructing official business, continued, bond changed to “or”.
Tre Marcus A. Stillgess, 30, of 1003 Fruitland Ave., domestic violence, continued, no contact, public defender appointed.
James H. Hodge, 48, criminal trespass, continued, public defender appointed.
Timothy T. Kramer, 28, aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.
Cosme A. Luna-Gonzalez, 42, of 511 Sherman Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered.
Tayveon C. Piper, 18, of Dayton, theft, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with GameStop.
Paul J. Russell III, 35, of 604 Selma Road, assault, continued, bond remains $2500 community service, criminal trespass, continued, bond remains $75000 c.s, theft, continued, bond remains $1500 community service.
Nicholas A. Smith, 26, of 1300 W. Cedarview Drive, obstructing official business, continued, bond changed to “OR”.
Luis Yahir, 23, of 420 Chestnut Ave., OVI, guilty, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, no offenses for 1 year, administrative license suspension terminated without fee, fined $375, no operator’s license, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed.
Melissa L. Bennett, 36, of Dayton, violate/protection order, bench warrant ordered.
Isaiah Clay, 27, of 2015 Huron Ave., child endangering, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, credit for time served, 6 months of probation, 90 days jail suspended on 6 months probation, costs within 60 days.
Cole W. Gilliam, 31, of Urbana, physical control, bench warrant ordered.
Alan J. Moore, 44, of 1440 Delta Road, firearms in motor vehicle, continued, public defender appointed.
Rodrick E. Nier, 40, of 2621 N. Williams Circle, OVI, continued, display of license plates, dismissed, no seat belt, dismissed.
Bernadette Quetant, 32, of 1001 E. High St., aggravated menacing, dismissed, domestic violence, dismissed.
Brandon M. Runyon, 33, of New Carlisle, child endangering, dismissed, criminal damaging, dismissed.
Shane A. Sparks, 29, of 889 Alta Road, OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed.
Clayton C. Thomas, 38, of Saint Paris, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/refusal, bench warrant ordered, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Devon M. Tolson, 23, of 8301 Springfield Jamestown Road, falsification, bench warrant ordered.
Jerimie T. Mueller, 48, of 1714 Fulton Ave., OVI/refusal, dismissed, OVI (heroin), dismissed, OVI-meth, dismissed, OVI/blood, dismissed, OVI-marijuana metabolite, dismissed.
De’Chaunta W. Jackson-Haney, 21, of 411 S. Shaffer St., OVI, continued, public defender appointed.
Joshua D. Suttles, 41, of 1031 Buckeye St., criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.