Levi A. Adkins, 30, assault, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with any Wendy’s in Clark County, bond $1,500, assault, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with any Taco Bell in Clark County, bond $1,500.
James E. Freeze, 45, of 429 S. Limestone St., criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.
Juan Galindo, 41, of 1606 Lagonda Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $10,000, operate without valid operator license, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension OVI suspension, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, operate without valid operator license, bench warrant ordered, expired tag or sticker, bench warrant ordered.
Ian E. Johnson, 30, of 6025 Knorwood Ave., theft, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, assault, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.
Cory J. Peterson, 52, of 536 Rosewood Ave., falsification, innocent, continued, bond remains 2500 community service/10%, resisting arrest, innocent, continued, obstructing official business, innocent, continued, obstructing official business, innocent, continued, no operator’s license, continued, bond $1,000, obstructing official business, continued, public defender appointed, bond $5,000, resisting arrest, continued, public defender appt, bond $2,500.
Abner Roblero, 25, of 3067 Heather Glen Court, littering, bench warrant ordered, bond $200.
Aaron T. Kidd, 52, of 809 S. Limestone St., criminal damaging, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, 1 year law abide costs due within 9 months, restitution due within 6 months.
Mark J. Nelson, 52, of 513 Vine St., theft, continued, bond remains 7500 community service/10%.
Henry W. Shepherd, 48, criminal trespass, continued, public defender appointed.
Ceenan J. Ballard, 34, of 315 S. Burnett Road, Apt. 802, improper discharge firearms, continued, public defender appointed, bond remains 15000 community service/10%.
Shawn A. Hall, 41, of 1413 Woodward Ave., complicity, dismissed.
Dequan A. Jackson, 30, of 507 S. Arlington, criminal trespass, guilty, 10 days of jail, 10 days credit for time served.
Timothy T. Kramer, 28, of 440 W. High St., assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Mark J. Nelson, 52, of 513 Vine St., theft, continued, bond remains 7500 community service/10%, possession of criminal tools, continued, theft, continued, bond remains 7500 community service/10%.
Matthew B. Finney, 55, of 614 Mason St., OVI, continued, OVI/refusal, dismissed, drive without valid license, dismissed, fail to register, dismissed.
Stephanie A. Huennerkopf-Alf, 38, of South Vienna, OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, driving under suspension OVI suspension, dismissed, slow speed, dismissed, invalid plates/sticker, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed.
David W. Nickels, 38, of Hartley House, 440 W. High, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.