Robert Crowe, 45, of 204 Bassett Dr., drug abuse marijuana, innocent, continued, eligible INT.
Eric V. Hollomon, 30, of 440 W. High St., inducing panic, innocent, continued, eligible INT.
Ryan K. Leach, 39, of 2339 Hillside Ave, theft, innocent, continued, eligible INT.
John Douglas McCloud, 37, of New Carlisle, possession of drugs, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000, possession of drugs, bench warrant ordered.
Brian J. P. Mitchell, 45, breaking and entering, continued, PD appointed, or bond.
Brandon L. M. Tackett, 19, of 2649 Berger Ave., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, eligible INT.
Sharrice L. Thompson, 45, of 315 Stanton Ave., bench warrant served deft jailed, guilty.
Juan S. H. Sanchez, 22, of Huber Heights, OVI, continued, OVI/breath, dismissed, DUS, dismissed, parking on highway, dismissed, seat belt, dismissed.
Cheyenne Elizabeth Duty, 25, of 803 Linden Ave., child endangering, dismissed.
Johnathan W. Smith, 36, of South Vienna, child endangering, dismissed, OVI, continued, refer to three day program, marked lanes, dismissed.
Michael Francis Wallace, 27, of 2256 Hillside Ave., menacing, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Lily B. Haley, 20, of 221 1/2 N. Western Ave., OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered.
Roxanna R. Leedom, 35, of West Carrollton,, flee/elude police officer, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Ashley Maloney, 33, of 2407 Balsam Dr., OVI, bench warrant ordered, DUS, bench warrant ordered, speed, bench warrant ordered.
Marlon Malik Nunn, 25, of 2316 Kenilworth Ave., aggravated menacing, dismissed - prosecutor request, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request.