Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called include:

James A. Campbell Jr., 60, of 930 Mount Joy St., aggravated menacing, innocent, continued, no contact, public defender appointed, bond $1,000.

Dale R. Combs, 34, of Medway, theft, innocent, continued, did not qualify.

William J. Freeman, 37, of 2315 Tavenner Rd., assault, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000.

William J. Freeman, 37, of 970 Gothic St., driver license required, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000, driving under suspension- operator’s license forfeiture, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension- operator’s license forfeiture, bench warrant ordered, failure to stop at the scene of an accident, bench warrant ordered, stop sign, bench warrant ordered, seat belt passenger, bench warrant ordered.

Elijah Jeffrey, 26, of Columbus, request for bail, continued, hold without bond.

Thaddeus J. Keaton, 22, of 324 Glenn Ave., theft, innocent, continued, no bond.

Thaddeus J. Keaton, 22, of 324 Glenn Ave., driving under suspension, continued, no bond.

Thaddeus J. Keaton, 22, of 1007 Oak St., robbery, continued, bond $15,000.

Thaddeus J. Keatonames, 22, of 521 N. Shaffer St., obstructing official business, continued, bond $750, failure to disclose own personal information info, continued, possess drug abuse instrument, continued, bond $750.

Brandon M. Potter, 35, of 1926 Hatcher Dr., child endangering, innocent, continued, released on own recognizance bond.

Alaysha D. Robinson, 22, of 122 Brent Dr. W. Apt. B, bench warrant served-deft jailed, guilty.

Infinity A. Rose, 19, of 1308 Delta Rd. Apt. A, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000.

Justin D. Stidam, 26, of Bellefontaine, bench warrant served-deft jailed, guilty, bond $10,000.

Justin Stidham, 26, of Bellefontaine, request for bail, continued, bond $25,000.

Christopher L. Bates, 32, of 102 Seever St., domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered, aggravated trespass, bench warrant ordered, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.

Alyssa A. Doyle, 32, of New Carlisle, OVI, guilty, 33 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 6 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, fined $375, marked lanes, dismissed.

Kenneth Fullen, 53, of 1937 Clifton Ave., OVI, guilty, 33 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 6 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 33 days jail, 30 suspended, 3 days credit for time served for driver’s intervention program, fined $375, OVI, dismissed, driving under suspension, dismissed, turn and stop signal, dismissed.

Roy D. Scott, 32, of 400 Crossgate Ct., OVI, dismissed, OVI, guilty, 33 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 126 months of driver’s license suspension, 33 days jail, 30 suspended, 3 days credit for time served for driver’s intervention program, fined $375, failure to reinstate license, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed, seat belt, dismissed.

Joshua R. Wood, 34, of 1019 Farlow St., assault, dismissed, criminal trespass, guilty, 30 days of jail, 30 days credit for time served.

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