Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Current cases:

23CV0305: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, as Trustee for the benefit of the Freddie Mac Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-4 v. Clark County Treasurer, Jerome Michael Roudebush, Unknown Heirs, Legatees, Devisees, Executors, Administrators and Assigns and their Spouses, if any, of William R. Christy, Unknown Spouse of William R. Christy if any, foreclosure.

23CV0306: Jody R. Colwell v. Administrator, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Navistar, Inc., bureau of workers comp appeal.

All cases are up-to-date.

Marriage licenses:

Todd E. Davis, 55, of New Carlisle, supervisor and Shellie S. Current, 54, of New Carlisle, nurse.

Nicholas J. Roesch, 31, laborer/pipeline and Nicole M. Sheridan, 30, of St. Paris, server.

Ryan J. Harris, 41, of South Vienna, electrician and Teresa L. Harris, 53, of South Vienna, cook.

Jacey R. Wallace, 24, of Springfield, daycare teacher and David Gunsaulies, 26, of Springfield, railroad engineer.

Justin M. Estes, 25, of South Vienna, mechanic and Jenna R. Bard, 22, of South Vienna, administration.

Property transfers:

William R. and Debra R. Stout to Debra R. Stout, 526-628B S. Fountain Ave., Springfield; none.

Robert D. Mason to Timur Time LLC, 308-310 E. High St., Springfield; $146,000.

Wendell and Eve Crisp to Wendell Crisp, 513 Homeview Ave., Springfield; none.

Yvon Nicolas to Longway Logistics LLC, 325-327 W. Clark St., Springfield; $65,000.

Michael J. and Shelley R. Lopez to Michael and Laurie Highmiller, 611 S. Fountain Ave., Springfield; $140,000.

Phyllis Queen to MCP Foundation, 128-132, 134-136, 142 and 144 E. Grand Ave., Springfield; none.

Joshua Reed to Joshua Reed and Wilson Capalac, 127 E. Grand Ave., Springfield; none.