Click here and scroll to the contest tool to check out the finalists ahead of voting starting tomorrow.
Here’s what else you should know about the contest:
The timeline
» Voting: July 24-Aug. 11
» Winners announced: Thursday, Oct. 12
» Special section published in the Springfield News-Sun: Sunday, Oct. 15
Sign up for our newsletter for first-look content
Throughout the contest, we’ll be releasing some information first in our Midday Break email newsletter, including a first look at the finalists.
Click here to subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be the first to get Best of Springfield news throughout the contest.
The categories
- Best Annual Festival
- Best Appetizers
- Best Asian Food
- Best Assisted Living/Retirement/Rehab Facility
- Best Auto Repair
- Best Auto/Truck/Motorcycle Dealer
- Best Bakery
- Best Band
- Best Bar/Brewpub
- Best Barbershop
- Best BBQ
- Best Bike Shop
- Best Boutique
- Best Breakfast
- Best Burger
- Best Caterer
- Best Chocolates
- Best Cocktails
- Best Coffeehouse
- Best Contractor/Construction Firm
- Best Cookies
- Best Customer Service
- Best Dental Professional
- Best Desserts
- Best Dine-In Restaurant
- Best DJ
- Best Donuts
- Best Employer
- Best Farmers Market Vendor
- Best Financial Services Firm (Bank, Insurance, Investments)
- Best Florist
- Best Food Truck
- Best Garden Center
- Best Gym/Yoga Studio
- Best Ice Cream
- Best Italian Food
- Best Landscaper
- Best Local Photographer or Photo Studio
- Best Lunch Spot
- Best Mexican Food
- Best New Business
- Best Patio for Dining and Drinks
- Best Physician/Medical Specialist/General Practitioner
- Best Pizza
- Best Place for Home Decor
- Best Place for Kids Fun
- Best Place to Buy Jewelry
- Best Place to buy Springfield gifts
- Best Place to Take Visitors
- Best Realtor/Real Estate Office
- Best Restaurant to take an Out-of-Towner
- Best Salon/Spa
- Best Tacos
- Best Tattoo Artist
- Best Wedding Venue
- Best Wings/Chicken
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