To qualify, FFA members in grades 7-12 work as individuals or teams to conduct a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture industries and win their state’s FFA agriscience fair.
The students who were named finalists in their categories and divisions were:
- Environmental Services and Natural Resource Systems:
- Division 1: Mailynne Rudnicki
- Division 3: Elise Hess
- Plant Systems:
- Division 1: Joseph Antinori
- Division 3: Jackson DeWitt
- Power, Structural and Technical Systems:
- Division 1: Levi Webster
- Division 5: Phoebe Green
The students compete in one of six categories including animal systems, environmental services/natural resource systems, food products and processing systems, plant systems, power, structural and technical systems, or social science, in six divisions including individuals in grades 7-8, teams grades 7-8, individuals grades 9-10, teams grades 9-10, individuals in grades 11-12, and teams grades 11-12.
First-place winners in each state have qualified for the national pre-qualifying judging, where a panel of judges reviewed entries and selected a maximum of 10 in each category and division to move on to the national competition.
The National FFA Organization is a school-based leadership development group of more than 1 million student members as part of 9,235 local FFA chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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