Who’s a good dog? In Clark, Champaign counties, Bella is the top name

Two dog names and one dog breed were in the top most popular in both Clark and Champaign Counties. Here, dogs of all breeds and sizes were at National Trail Parks and Recreation's annual Yappy Howl-o-ween event last year. FILE/BILL LACKEY/STAFF

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

Two dog names and one dog breed were in the top most popular in both Clark and Champaign Counties. Here, dogs of all breeds and sizes were at National Trail Parks and Recreation's annual Yappy Howl-o-ween event last year. FILE/BILL LACKEY/STAFF

Many dog owners in Clark and Champaign counties selected Bella or Lucy as the name for their pet, according to 2023 license and registration information from county records.

In Clark County, the name Bella ranked first, Lucy second and Daisy third.

In Champaign County, Bella was No. 1, followed by Sadie second and then Lucy third.

The oldest registered dog in Clark County is a 23-year-old Shih Tzu mix named Bella, while it’s a 25-year-old Chihuahua named GiGi in Champaign County.

Chihuahua made the top three dog breeds registered in each county.

The most popular breeds were Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd and Chihuahua in Clark County. For Champaign County, it was Chihuahua, Mixed and Mixed Lab.

This year, there have been 16,272 dog licenses and nine kennel licenses purchased in Clark County, and 5,226 dog licenses and 170 kennel licenses purchased in Champaign County.

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