Springfield Regional’s first 2024 baby arrives almost 5 hours after New Year begins

Some New Year’s Day babies around the region didn’t hesitate to arrive quickly after the calendar changed to 2024, but Springfield’s first arrived nearly five hours after the new year started.

In Butler county at the Liberty Family Birthing Center at Christ Hospital in Liberty Twp., a baby named Bennett was born a minute after midnight. The Christ Hospital Health Network did not share his last name, but confirmed the baby was doing well.

In Springfield, Westyn Keating arrived at 4:57 a.m., measuring in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces. He is the second child of Deana and Nicholas Keating, both of Springfield.

“We’re so excited to help them welcome their new bundle of joy into the world!” a Mercy Health — Springfield spokesperson shared.

Elsewhere in the area, entering the world a month early, newborn Mabel Mae Stapleton arrived at Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy at 2:15 a.m. and created a surprise for her parents.

She was the Premier Health network’s first baby of the year. Parents Kirstyn and Brad were surprised by Mabel’s arrival — she was due in February.

The newborn weighs 5 pounds and 8 ounces.

Premier Health also operates Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton and Atrium Medical Center in Middletown.

“We’re feeling so happy,” Kirstyn Stapleton said. “I’m very tired — really I’ve only gotten about an hour of sleep — but we’re so happy.”

Kettering Health said its first baby of the new year was David Weaver, who arrived at 12:08 a.m. Monday at the network’s main campus in Kettering. He came in at just a little more than 7 pounds and is the first child of Sandra Weaver.

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