Springfield commissioners to discuss proposal for 94 new apartments at tonight’s meeting

Springfield City Hall. Bill Lackey/Staff

Springfield City Hall. Bill Lackey/Staff

Springfield commissioners will revisit a proposed development plan that would add high-end apartment units to the city’s north during a public meeting this evening.

The development plan calls for the construction of at most 94 multi-family residential units on a 15.4 acre piece of land that has an address of 3641 Middle Urbana Road. Representatives of the project’s developer, Redwood, said it would be a $13 million to $14 million investment for them.

A first reading for the development plan by Springfield commissioners took place at their Oct. 19 meeting. The second reading and possible vote to approve the plan will take place this evening, as the public meeting will be held at City Hall, 76 E. High St., and will start at 7 p.m.

If approved, some of those apartment units would be ready to rent by a year’s time, said Gregory Thurman, the vice president of acquisitions for Redwood.

City commissioners will also be discussing this evening an ordinance that would authorize the city manager to enter into a 10-year contract with the Board of Clark County Commissioners for communication and dispatch services. The amount of the contract is not to exceed $1,149,320 for the initial contract year.

Springfield commissioners usually meet on Tuesdays. However, the meeting this week was moved to Monday due to election day on Tuesday.

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