One year of coronavirus in Clark County: We want to hear your story

Credit: Springfield News-Sun

Credit: Springfield News-Sun

The start of March marks one complete year of struggles for many families across Clark County as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

While new hopeful signs are showing with the pandemic, more than 1.5 million Ohioans have had at least one vaccine dose, 22,148 of those doses in Clark County alone, this year has also been marked by immense grief.

As of Monday, Clark County has seen 12,246 contract the virus and 336 die from it.

Many are also experiencing grieving of other kinds of losses, even if they haven’t named it grief, such as canceled school, family plans put on hold, career setbacks or business turmoil.

The Springfield News-Sun will be telling these stories in the coming weeks about how the pandemic has affected local residents and their families and how many have learned to cope with what the last 365 days have brought.

If you would like your story to be included, take our survey below:

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