Mercy Health Urbana Hospital finalist for patient care award

Urbana hospital

Urbana hospital

Mercy Health’s Urbana Hospital has been named as a finalist for an award presented by Premier Inc. that is given to those that provide “outstanding patient care.”

Premier Inc. is a healthcare improvement company and has named Urbana Hospital as a finalist for its 2020 QUEST Award presented to those Premier deems as providing high-value healthcare.

To qualify for the award, hospitals must achieve a top overall performance in four of the five areas measured in Premier’s QUEST 2020 collaborative. That includes affordability; effective care and coordination; prevention and treatment for leading causes of mortality; person and family experience and patient safety.

“We are grateful for this external recognition of our daily commitment to deliver the best care experience for our patients and their families,” said Urbana Hospital President Jamie Houseman.

“On behalf of everyone at Urbana Hospital, I can say we are proud to be named as a finalist for the QUEST Award and we will continue to work to deliver great patient outcomes and community health programs,” she added.

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