Cottrel: Don’t forget about Memorial Day

Get the holiday on your calendar amid all your other celebrations.
Pam Cottrel

Pam Cottrel

As our calendars fill with graduation celebrations, weddings and reunions, don’t forget to plan ahead for Memorial Day observances.

North Hampton always goes all out for Memorial Day so if you live around North Hampton be sure to mark May 28 on the calendar. That is Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.

A big breakfast served by the North Hampton Lions Club starts the day properly, serving from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Asbury United Methodist Church, 104 East Clark Street.

The town Yard Sale begins Friday and ends Saturday. So there will be plenty to do between events.

The lineup for the Memorial Day Parade is south of town at 2 p.m. with the parade beginning and proceeding north at 3 p.m. Memorial Day Service will be at the park immediately after the parade.

The Ice Cream Social at the Pike Township Fire House is also after the parade and Memorial Service. Ice Cream, food, drinks and other desserts will be available for purchase. The Careflight Helicopter will be there at 4:30 for tours.

Kate Hasting, a Northwestern graduate and much loved Nashville singer and songwriter, will perform from 6 to 7 p.m. behind the firehouse. People are asked to bring their own chairs.

The day ends at 8:30 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church where there will be music, balloon creations, refreshments and more. You will also need to bring chairs. Those who want to take part in the parade or volunteer to help or to donate to help pay expenses, call Bobbie Funderburg at 937-244-3526 or Dawn Weeks at 937-215-8346.

Enon’s Memorial Day Parade is always on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. That’s May 29 this year. There is still time to be in the parade. Call the Enon VFW Post 8437 at 937-864-2361 to make the arrangements.

Lineup for the parade is 1 p.m. at the new Greenon parking lot (formerly Indian Valley) with the step off at 2 p.m. The parade ends at the Enon Cemetery for Memorial Day honors.

Of course we all have something personal to do before Memorial Day. I’ll be visiting the family graves all this week, pulling weeds and leaving flowers and solar lights. It is a custom I used to dread but now find comforting. And of course I’ll be putting a red geranium plant on my grandma’s grave as I promised her years ago when I helped her with this duty.

It’s not an official Memorial Day event but it must be mentioned. At noon May 28, New Carlisle’s Swimming Pool opens for the summer season. A public pool party sponsored by the Tecumseh PTO will be held May 26.

Discounted Family Pass pool tickets for a family of four will be available through Memorial Day for $235. After Memorial Day they will cost $275. Call 937-845-8116 for details.

As summer begins and school is out, please be especially careful when driving through neighborhoods or past houses or parks. Summer freedom is so exciting sometimes kids just aren’t as careful as they should be.

Have a glorious summer.

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