Clark-Shawnee announces new elementary school leadership team

New Clark-Shawnee Elementary School Administration: Campus Administrator Kyle Phelps; PreK-2 grade Principal Amanda Shaffer; and 3-6 grade Principal Christopher Campbell. CONTRIBUTED

New Clark-Shawnee Elementary School Administration: Campus Administrator Kyle Phelps; PreK-2 grade Principal Amanda Shaffer; and 3-6 grade Principal Christopher Campbell. CONTRIBUTED

The administration for the new Clark-Shawnee Elementary School, scheduled to open later this year, will consist of the district’s three elementary school principals, according Superintendent Brian Kuhn.

Kyle Phelps, principal at Reid School will be campus administrator, Amanda Shaffer, principal at Rockway School will become PreK-2 grade principal and Christopher Campbell principal at Possum School will become 3-6 grade principal.

Phelps said becoming the campus administrator is an exciting opportunity, but knows the year will have its challenges.

“Bringing three elementary schools together will have its challenges, but our staff has been working collaboratively this year to align our teaching practices so that we are ready to face them. We have an outstanding elementary team throughout the district, and I believe that bringing all of these educators together in one building will enhance the early educational experiences for our students,” he said.

Phelps said having the experiences of this past year due to the coronavirus has made him a stronger leader for the new elementary.

“This school year has brought many challenges to our schools and district and we have worked together to provide the best education to all our students. This process would not be successful without our teachers, support staff, board office staff and Board of Education,” he said. “Working with so many stakeholders this year across the district will make the transition to one building much smoother. To have a year of working together under these circumstances will be beneficial as we come together to form Shawnee Elementary.”

Shaffer knows preschool inside and out, Kuhn said.

“There are lots of specific qualifications and requirements there and she’s very familiar with it. She’s going to do a great job,” he said.

Campbell has done an amazing job, Kuhn said.

“He’s done an amazing job this year and we’re excited for him to serve as the 3-6 grade principal,” he said

Kuhn said he announced the new administration this month because they are going to be working on room assignments, staffing assignments and all other decisions needed to be made in preparation for the move.

“We are fortunate to have a great team of elementary administrators who are already familiar with our students, families, and staff and are prepared to lead the new Shawnee Elementary,” he said. “Our elementary staff has been working diligently throughout this school year to prepare for a smooth transition and the exciting future ahead in our new school.”

Construction on the multi-million dollar school remains on schedule with the elementary building on target to open for the start of the next school year in August.

The school is being built across the street from Shawnee High School.

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