Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called include:

James R. Brautigam, 41, of Woodstock, bench warrant served-defendant jailed, guilty.

Robbie L. Brewer II, 27, of 1015 N. Belmont Ave., have weapons/under disability, innocent, continued, PD appointed, OR bond.

Felix Cunningham, 56, of Dayton, possession of drugs, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

Derik D. Davis, 51, receiving stolen property, innocent, continued, PD appointed, OR bond.

Derik D. Davis, 51, of 1170 Johnny Lytle Ave., theft, innocent, continued, OR bond.

Michael A. Ellis, 59, of Delaware, littering, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

William J. Freeman, 37, of 1208 Tabor Ave., assault, innocent, continued, PD appointed, OR bond, criminal damaging, innocent, continued, PD appointed, OR bond.

Cole Lazear, 20, of Urbana, wildlife violation, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Easter M. Mosley, 47, of 323 W. Euclid Ave., complicity, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000.

Wesley J. Robinson, 68, of 1201 W. Pleasant St., bench warrant served-defendant jailed, guilty, bond $2,500, DUS, continued, OR bond.

Jason B. Wright, 47, of 323 W. Euclid Ave., theft, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000, possession of criminal tools, bench warrant ordered.

Richard A. Beverly, 33, of 2552 Dayton Rd., aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered, unlawful restraint, bench warrant ordered, domestic violence, bench warrant ordered.

Tyler S. Blackburn, 33, of 216 Rice St., aggravated menacing, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Heather O. Harrison, 26, of Dayton, domestic violence reduced to disorderly, guilty, fined $100, assault, dismissed.

Jaymar M. Johnson, 25, of 211 W. Parkwood, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Jennifer A. Kershaw, 41, of 814 Linden Ave., violation of TPO, guilty, 30 days of jail with 30 days suspended.

Amanda R. Taylor, 34, of 1366 Bellefair Ave., OVI, guilty, 60 days of jail with 50 days suspended, 12 months of drivers license suspension, 12 months of probation, 60 days jail, 50 suspended, 10 days jail effective 2/26/2021, defendant to have assessment within 30 days of release, 1-year operators license suspension, restricted plates and interlock, required for modification, fined $525, OVI/breath, dismissed, DUS, dismissed, speed, dismissed.

Dremicia C. Cole, 18, of 5210 Tarimore, induce panic, dismissed, falsification, guilty, 120 days of jail with 120 days suspended, no further offenses/pay fines&costs, fined $100.

Jesus D. Diaz, 36, of 23 S. Western Ave., child endangering, guilty, 12 months of probation, probation consecutive with 20trc8265-no fees, fined $100.

Tyrone L. Fambro Jr., 28, of 1830 Edwards Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, continued, criminal damaging, dismissed.

Gary W. Plank, 24, of New Carlisle, OVI, continued, referred to 3-day program, failure to control, continued, operating w/o use all s/b, dismissed, OVI/urine, dismissed.

Vernon R. White Jr., 59, of 311 W. Southern Ave., failure to pay reinstatement fee, bench warrant ordered, operating with valid operating license, bench warrant ordered.

Stacey L. Wood, 42, of 1707 E. High St. Apt. 503, possess drug abuse instr., dismissed - prosecutor request, use/possessison of drug paraphrenia, dismissed - prosecutor request.

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