Matthew M. Henry, 48, of Sidney, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, no contact-not to be within 500 ft 538 Alberfelda, PD appointed, OR Bond.
Gregory A. Parish, 53, of 1702 Catawba Ave., breaking and entering, dismissed - indicted.
Gerald D. Peaks, 46, of Columbus, child endangering, innocent, dismissed - prosecutor request, child endangering, innocent, dismissed - prosecutor request, child endangering, innocent, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Clark M. Ross, 38, of Bellefontaine, denial of PV entered, guilty.
Richard R. Sinclair, 29, of 735 E. Cassily St., domestic violence, innocent, continued, no contact-not to be within 500 ft Fred Jordan Dr., PD appointed, OR Bond.
James L. Beverly, 18, of 2410 Irwin Ave., theft, bench warrant ordered.
Amber D. Gilbert, 27, of 122 N. Schaefer St., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Zachary C. Harshman, 19, of New Carlisle, OVI, guilty, 33 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 6 months of probation, 12 months of DL suspension, 33 days jail, 30 suspended, 3 days CTS for dip, fined $375, OVI/breath, guilty, unknown sentence, backing/starting, guilty, unknown sentence.
Tony F. Isaac Jr., 28, of 1105 N. Fountain Ave., falsification reduced to obstruct official business, guilty, 30 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 30 days jail, suspended on pay fines/costs by 3/15/21 and no like offenses (falsification or OOB) prior to 12/15/2021, fined $100.
Jastein M. Reedy, 22, of Urbana, possession of drug abuse instrument, dismissed - prosecutor request.
William R. Whitt, 52, of 1614 Miracle Mile, littering, dismissed - prosecutor request.
William R. Whitt Jr., 52, of 1614 Miracle Mile, OVI reduced to disregard of safety, guilty, 13 days of jail with 13 days suspended, 13 days jail, suspended on next available dip and follow up if recommended and proof by 6/15/21, ALS remains in effect, fined $250, OVI, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed.
Heather M. Durfey, 23, of 725 Innisfallen, OVI, continued, refer to 3-day program.
Amber D. Gilbert, 27, of 122 N. Schaefer St., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Holland Shelton, 37, of 626 N. Murray St., OVI, continued, referred to 3-day program, OVI/breath, dismissed, no operating license, dismissed, speed, dismissed.
Olivia P. Barhorst, 22, of Sidney, OVI, continued, OVIbreath, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed, tinted glass, dismissed.
Michael A. Fulwiler, 28, of Fairborn, domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered.
Kristen Major, 47, of 2145 Ashbrook Dr., OVI, guilty, 12 months of DL suspension, 3 days of jail, 3 days credit for time served, als terminated without reinstatement fee, fined $375.
Misty M. Mathews, 32, of South Charleston, OVI, bench warrant ordered.
David A. McCoy, 52, of 1129 Mason St., OVI, guilty, 12 months of DL suspension, 3 days of jail, 3 days credit for time served, ALS terminated without reinstatement fee, fined $375.
David R. Taylor, 57, of Enon, OVI, guilty, 24 months of DL suspension, 180 days of jail with 174 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of probation, jail stayed to 1/5/21 @ 8:30 A.M., ALS terminated without reinstatement fee, substance abuse assess & follow up, fined $500.
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