Clark County Municipal Court cases

Clark County Municipal Courthouse. Bill Lackey/Staff

Clark County Municipal Courthouse. Bill Lackey/Staff

Cases called include:

Mark J. Arend, 48, address unknown, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $500.

Ian Arnold, 28, of Dayton, request for bail, innocent, continued, bond $4,500.

Thomas M. Bondurant, 46, of 2116 Tanger Rd., robbery, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.

Keyshayla L. Collins, 18, of 408 E. Madison Ave., assault, innocent, bench warrant ordered, bond $5,000.

Christie J. Dalessio, 32, of 2743 Leon Ln., warrant retd from spd, guilty, released on own recognizance bond.

Elzie Davis, 45, of 313 E. College Ave. Apt. C, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000, theft, bench warrant ordered.

Joseph B. Edwards, 45, of New Carlisle, flee/elude, innocent, continued, eligible defendant.

Jeremiah D. Isaacs, 39, of Dayton, domestic violence, continued, bond $5,000.

Storm Kilgore, 35, of Russells Point, possess drug abuse instrument, innocent, continued, eligible defendant.

Andrew T. Orr, 41, of 5350 Selma Rd., theft, continued, bond $1,500.

Rian J. Smith, 32, of 1422 Woodland Rd., burglary, continued, bond $7,500.

Joseph D. Dunn, 43, of 401 S. Center St., child endangering, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, 90 days jail suspended on no like offenses or further, offenses involving daughter, payment of fine and costs, fined $250.

Daniel W. Evers, 45, of Medway, unauthorized use of vehicle, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Andrew C. Morgan, 26, of 1888 Clifton Ave., OVI, guilty, 33 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 6 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 33 days jail, 30 suspended, 3 days credit for time served for driver’s intervention program, fined $375.

Michael L. Murray, 33, of 2420 Mayfair Dr., theft, continued, eligible defendant.

Jessica R. Portis, 29, of 2501 Home Orchard Dr., criminal damaging, continued, eligible defendant.

Richard R. Sinclair, 29, of 1935 Jordan Dr. Apt. A, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Richard R. Sinclair, 29, of 401 Indiana Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed, obstructing official business, guilty, 90 days of jail, 90 days jail, credit for time served, balance suspended on no new, offenses prior to 8/11/21.

Ian J. Juneau, 37, address unknown, driving under suspension judgment suspension, bench warrant ordered, fail obey traffic device, bench warrant ordered, lanes of travel, bench warrant ordered.

Phillip L. Stevens, 32, of 2116 Erie Ave., felonious assault/weapon, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Kayla C. Crawford, 29, of Urbana, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI, dismissed, 12 point suspended, dismissed, operate unsafe vehicle, dismissed, crossing yellow line, dismissed.

Jacob A. Lawson, 23, of New Carlisle, driving under suspension OVI suspension, dismissed, speed, dismissed.

John H. Weidauer, 63, of 3011 Cavins Dr., domestic violence, dismissed, assault amended to disorderly, guilty, 20 days of jail with 20 days suspended, jail suspended on not within 500 ft. of victim for 6 months, fined $150.

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