Elisio Gonzalez, 31, of 914 Selma Road, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, failure to drive on right, bench warrant ordered, operate unsafe vehicle, bench warrant ordered.
William J. Rhoads, 52, of 400 W. High St., obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, failure to disclose own personal information information, bench warrant ordered.
Kyle E. Pryor, 24, of 1342 W. Jefferson St., aggravated menacing, continued, no contact with victim, public defender appointed.
Shelton A. Threats, 19, of 234 Raffensperger Ave., improper discharge firearms, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury, improper discharge firearms, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury, flee/elude police officer, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.
Shawn Q. Adams, 40, of 432 Lyle Ave., driving under suspension, dismissed, traffic signal, dismissed.
Shawn Q. Adams, 40, of 432 Lyle Avenue, OVI/refusal, dismissed, OVI, guilty, 30 days of jail with 27 days suspended, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of probation, no other alcohol or drug offenses w/in 12 months, fined $375, driving under suspension, dismissed, fail to register, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed, right of way, dismissed.
Cayden R. Arnold, 18, of 4783 Ridgewood Road East, OVI, guilty, 30 days of jail with 27 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 6 month law abiding/follow up and complete treatment, fined $375, OVI, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed.
Dakota J. Montgomery, 28, of 2419 Van Buren Ave., OVI, continued, failure to control, dismissed.
Mayra Arroyo, 34, of 1261 S. Limestone St., OVI, dismissed, OVI amended to physical control, guilty, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, if defendant completes 3 day driver’s intervention program before jail report, date jail will be vacated, timely payment of fine and costs condition of suspended sentence, administrative license suspension remains in effect, jail report 4-18-25 at 9:00, fined $200, drive without valid license, dismissed, failure to drive on right, dismissed, no seat belt, dismissed.
Edward Cunningham, 48, of 1351 S. Center St., fugitive, dismissed.
Savannah Gibbs, 113, of Hamilton, fugitive, dismissed.
Rigoberto Gomez, 29, of 1231 E. High St., OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, drive without valid license, dismissed, failure to drive on right, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed, no seat belt, dismissed.
Kevin Lopez, 26, of 511 Golden Gate Ave., OVI amended to reckless operation, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, 5 months of driver’s license suspension, administrative license suspension termed without fee, fined $150.
Naomi L. Pickett, 47, of Bellefontaine, request for bail, dismissed.
Trinity R. Rockfield, 23, of 1717 Highland Ave., safecracking, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with victim.