Kronour said Group A, last names A-K, will continue to attend school in-person on Monday and Tuesday and learn from home Wednesday through Friday. Group B, last names L-Z, will continue to attend school in-person on Thursday and Friday and learn from home Monday through Wednesday.
All schools in the district either continued or were shifted to hybrid learning through last week after two of the schools, Kenton Ridge High School and Northridge Middle and Elementary School, used remote learning due to a coronavirus outbreak in the district.
According to Northeastern’s COVID-19 dashboard, as of Monday, the district reported 25 total positive cases, 10 probable cases and 103 total current quarantined cases.
Northeastern Middle and High School had 2 confirmed cases and 19 quarantined cases. Kenton Ridge had four confirmed cases, two probable cases and seven current quarantined cases. Northridge had eight confirmed cases, four probable cases and 21 current quarantined cases. Rolling Hills had one confirmed case and 14 quarantine cases. South Vienna had 10 confirmed cases, four probable cases and 42 quarantine cases. It’s unclear which of the cases are students and which are staff members.
Kronour is reminding the community to continue wearing masks, practice social distancing, staying home when sick and following health guidelines.
“We would like to thank all of our families and community for working together over the last week to help prevent Clark County from reaching the Purple Level,” Kronour said. “Working together, we are confident that we can keep our schools safe for our students, staff, families, and community members.”
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