Health Care Hero: Lifelong interest in helping others leads to career

Charles Randall

Charles Randall

The Dayton Daily News is profiling the people who work hard every day to save lives and take care of us. Nominate a Health Care Hero by emailing

Name: Charles Randall

Hometown (where you live now): Xenia

Job title: Electrocardiogram Technician

Where do you work: Soin Medical Center


Describe what your day is like/what you do: My day consists of many routine tests called electrocardiograms (EKG). Usually our largest volume of EKGs is performed in the mornings, with emergency EKGs sprinkled throughout the day. When our team is not performing EKGs, we assist the hospital staff with the transportation of patients. Transportation allows private one-on-one time with patients, and during this time, I like to make small talk and hopefully provide some comfort for the patient in the form of general discussion or prayers.

What inspired you to get into health care? During my childhood I always had an interest in helping others. I took odd jobs that involved some form of a service to others and eventually I found my niche in health care.

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What's a memorable experience you've had in health care? Any gratitude I receive makes any experience memorable. Most recently I was moving a patient down for an emergency surgery and, despite the situation, he was in good spirits and making jokes with me. His attitude really stuck with me. He was always very polite and appreciative, and those moments make up the experiences that are most memorable to me.

What do you want readers to know about your job right now? I suppose I'd like to reassure the readers that even though they may read a lot of scary information regarding the pandemic, I still feel that within my job, I have the tools and skills to safely provide quality care for them.

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