COTTREL: Picking up election signs a civic duty

The fall election is over and those campaign signs that filled every corner and vacant space along the roads have magically disappeared. Only a few forgotten signs remain that will probably soon be snatched up.

Picking up the campaign signs is a civic duty and part of the elective process.

I remember the late state Sen. Merle Kearns who would drive around late into the wee hours making sure all her campaign signs had been retrieved.

Other candidates mentioned similar plans last week and I’d genuinely like to thank them for it.

Many of the signs get stored in sheds and barns for reelection campaigns. The metal racks are easily reusable and may hold up the signs for many candidates before being tossed.

The unofficial count has been reported and before long the final official tally will move us forward to swearing candidates into office at the beginning of January.

However the result of one contest has not yet been reported. That is the Greenon Elementary vote on the selection of a name for the small tributary of Coyote Run which is itself a tributary of Mud Run. The name chosen was Pup Creek.

Over the next few months Mud Run Conservancy member Kathleen Mathews will submit the name to various organizations for approval and finally to the U.S. Board on Geographical Names. Signs should be up by summer.

Veterans Day is this week and I’d like to thank every one of you who raised your right hand and swore to protect your country. That is not easy to do, even during a time of peace.

Committing to military service takes a special kind of individual and we are blessed to have many among us. Because of our proximity to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Bethel and Mad River townships have more veterans than any other townships in Clark County

Greenon will be hosting two Veteran’s Day Programs. The Junior and Senior High will have a Veterans Day assembly a day early on Wednesday Nov 10 at 1 p.m. Please call 937-864-7348 to reserve a spot. The Elementary School will have its assembly on Veterans Day. Students will be learning about Honor Flight and how it began in Enon.

Some local veterans’ organizations have special menus on Nov. 11. Contact them for details.

These next two weeks will be quiet in western Clark County as we rest from elections, adjust to Eastern Standard Time again, and prepare for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and winter.

This is the time of year when our glorious fall colors are featured in senior photos and family pictures. One of the best places to take fall color photos is George Rogers Clark Park. If the weather is still and the sky bright, Hosterman Lake mirrors all the bright fall foliage. It is a joy to behold. Don’t miss it.

This is our week to rest and prepare for the holidays. Be kind to yourself.