Joshua S. Clay, 31, of 535 Knickerbocker Ave., weapons under disability, continued, PD appointed, bond $2,500.
Kevin P. Engle, 67, of 5031 W. National Road, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty, bond $5,000, bench warrant from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty, bond $5,000.
Tyrone Lawrence Fambro Jr., 29, of 536 Euclid, PV denied, guilty.
Sawyer Halewolf, 23, of 2065 Portage Path, criminal damaging, innocent, continued, eligible INT.
Rami N. M. Hashish, 36, of Westerville, littering, guilty, guilty, 15 days of jail with 15 days suspended, no further offenses/pay F and C, assessed costs $400.
Loubert Homme, 32, of 1136 E. John St. Apt. 14, assault, innocent, continued, no contact conducive of bond.
Adam James Howard, 36, of 1021 Maiden Lane, burglary, innocent, continued, or bond.
Kyle Wesley O’Connor, 32, of 3301 Miller Road Apt. 30, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact/not to be 500 feet 615 W. possum, or bond.
Lisa M. Sigmon, 36, of 1739 S. York St., confinement of dogs, guilty, guilty, assessed costs $25, fail to register dog, guilty, assessed costs $25, fail to display dog license, guilty, assessed costs $10.
Kimberly D. Carson, 55, of 4116 Imperial Drive, OVI, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered.
Ashley Marie Crawford, 32, of 1209 E John St. Apt. A, OVI, guilty, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, 12 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 10 days jail, 7 suspension, 3 days to be served, jail to be suspension on probation, C/S and F/C, fined $375.
Roderick L. Fudge, 61, of 220 Montgomery Ave. Apt. 12, OVI, guilty, 30 days of jail with 30 days suspended, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 12 months of probation, 30 days jail, 3 days CTS for DIP, balance suspension, jail suspension for 1 year probation, 20 hours C/S and F/C, full-time employment, fined $375.
Regina R. Long, 50, of 1312 S. Center St., violation of TPO, continued, PD appointed, no contact/not to be 500 feet 317 W. Pleasant.
Ryan M. McAfee, 32, of 1638 Springmont Ave., receiving stolen property, continued, eligible INT.
Michael W. Palmer, 48, of 1216 Innisfallen, OVI, guilty, 90 days of jail with 70 days suspended, 24 months of probation, 24 months of probation, 24 months of driver’s license suspension, 70 days suspension for probation, C/S, and F/C, 2 years probation, d/a assess, complete recommendations, fined $525, OVI/breath, dismissed, DUS, dismissed, speed, dismissed.
Scottie E. Seay, 36, of 505 N. Belmont Ave., violation of TPO reduced to disorderly conduct, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, 10 days jail, stayed to Jan. 11, 2022 for F/C, fined $100.
Jimmy R. Windle, 54, of South Vienna, DUI reduced to physical control, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, 10 days jail, suspension for 20 hours C/S and F/C, fined $250.
James C. Beal, 38, of New Carlisle, request for bail, dismissed.
John M. Dotson, 42, request for bail, dismissed.
Joseph P. Kampman, 18, of 2015 Appian Way, offenses/underage persons, dismissed - pretrial probation.