Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called included:

Michael K. Bennett, 33, of 1578 Warder St., use/possession drug paraphernalia, innocent, continued, PD appointed, or bond.

John E. Booth, 47, of 17 Cherry Dr., obstructing official business, innocent, continued, or bond.

Misty S. Hayes, 32, of 2565 Sunset Ave., bench warrant served-DEF jailed, guilty, or bond.

Vincent E. Henry, 29, of 218 E. Euclid Ave, guilty.

Westley C. Robinson IV, 21, of 1723 Hillside Ave., tamper with evidence, continued, PD appointed, bond $5,000, resisting arrest, continued, PD appointed, bond $1,000.

Timothy Joe Stevens Jr., 34, theft, innocent, continued, PD appointed, bond $500.