Mariah R. Hayes, 22, of 1750 Baker Road, Lot 46, aggravated burglary, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond, bond $30,000.
Craig D. Jennings, 54, of 715 Villa Road, Apt 107, disorderly, bench warrant ordered, bond $150.
Kevin J. Johnson III, 25, of 132 Delcourt Drive, assault, innocent, continued, PD appointed.
Mark A. Jones, 63, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $150, use/possession of drug paraphernalia, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $150.
Jamie L. Keaton, 33, of 606 Scott St., theft, innocent, continued, PD appointed.
Stacie N. Madwell , 35, bench warrant returned from Clark County Sheriff’s Office, guilty.
Walter D. Mcghee Jr., 26, of 1201 E. John St., Apt. C, menacing, bench warrant ordered, bond $150.
Jeffrey L. Todd, 54, of 1177 Farlow St., domestic violence, innocent, continued, OR bond.
Dearah A. Trent, 18, of 1823 Southern Parkway, theft, innocent, continued, PD appointed.
Kenneth R. Barnes, 31, of Newark, OH, aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered.
Christopher L. Bates, 34, of 1404 S. Center St., violation of TPO, bench warrant ordered, violation of TPO, bench warrant ordered, violation of TPO, bench warrant ordered, violation of TPO, bench warrant ordered, violation of TPO, bench warrant ordered.
Terrin M. Bolton, 30, of Columbus, OH, OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, marked lanes, bench warrant ordered.
Michael D. Hutchins, 29, of 140 W. Southern Ave., domestic violence, continued, no contact condition of bond.
Roman A. Muskeyvalley, 30, of 501 E. Rose St., OVI, continued, speed for conditions, dismissed.
Hannah Whitman, 40, of 1725 W. Washington St., OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI/breath, bench warrant ordered, DUS, bench warrant ordered, FTY/red light, bench warrant ordered.
Juan H. Applin Jr., 37, of 120 S. Race St., domestic violence, dismissed - indicted, vandalism, dismissed - indicted.
Eric L. Brown, 36, of London, OH, OVI, continued, refer to dip, turn and stop signal, dismissed.
Robert J. Cobb Jr., 60, of 908 S. Limestone St., criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, theft, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
Christina M. Greathouse, 36, of 1620 Prospect St., violation of TPO, continued, falsification, continued, PD appointed.
Xavier A. Lawson, 19, of New Carlisle, OH, domestic violence, continued, PD appointed, no contact condition of bond.
Brianna N. Moore, 28, of Enon, OH, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.
John M. Wills, 45, of 1205 W. High St., OVI, continued, refer to dip, DUS, dismissed, operate without reason control, dismissed.
James T. Harris, 43, of 2301 N. Limestone St., OVI, guilty, 120 days of jail with 110 days suspended, 18 months of probation, 24 months of driver license suspension, 5 days consecutive effective 8/22 then house arrest, ALS terminated without fee, continue with substance abuse treatment, fined $750, OVI, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed, operating without use all s/b, dismissed, OVI, dismissed, OVI, dismissed, speed, dismissed.
Roxann S. Heeter, 48, of 833 Oak St., domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
William E. Sisler, 76, of 6100 Fletcher Chapel Road, child endangering reduced to disorderly conduct, guilty, fined $75.