Christopher L. Bates, 33, domestic violence, continued, no contact/not to be 500 feet 1828 Clay St., bond $2,500, criminal damaging, continued, PD appointed, no contact/not to be 500 feet 1828 Clay St, bond $1,000.
Anthony E. Benson Sr., 48, of 315 S. Burnett Road Apt. 718, warrant served deft jailed, guilty, warrant served deft in jail, guilty, warrant served deft in jail, guilty.
Mandy D. Ellis, 38, of 1945 Primm Dr. Apt. F, falsification, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000.
Leilia J. Powers, 36, of 1404 Delta Road Apt. F, aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,000, aggravated menacing, bench warrant ordered.
Evelyn M. Stewart, 38, of Mount Sterling, assault, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact/not to be 500 feet 421 E. Southern Ave.
Delino S. Tapia, 51, of New Carlisle, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact/not to be 500 feet 469 Weinland, or bond.