Clark County Municipal Court cases

Stephon T. Cheek, 23, of 1205 1/2 W. High St., request for bail, dismissed.

Hannah R. Harman, 30, of Columbus, OH, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500, DUS, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered.

Constance E. Jenkins, 68, of 124 E. Third St., theft, innocent, continued, NAPT.

Goble J. Keeton, 30, of Dayton, OH, guilty.

Richardson Bird Laince, 35, of 1913 Lagonda Ave., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact conducive of bond, OR Bond.

Shawn T. Lisch, 33, of 922 Rice St., obstructing official business, innocent, continued, PD appointed.

Aryn M. Mundy, 32, of 345 Larchmont Road, record correspondence from funeral home, guilty.

David L. Mundy, 41, of Dayton, OH, violation/out of state TPO, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000.

Dustin Shelby Platfoot, 39, of Anna, OH, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, no contact conducive of bond, or bond.

Sheldon F. Reid, 45, of at large, fugitive, innocent, continued, waiver of extradition signed.

Douglas L. Sherrock Jr., 39, of 1506 Maiden Lane, guilty.

Ashley M. Watkins, 38, of Columbus, OH, receiving stolen property, innocent, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,000.

Curtis Watts, 43, of 921 Tibbetts Ave., criminal damaging, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact conducive of bond, or bond, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact conducive of bond, or bond, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, PD appointed, no contact conducive of bond, or bond.

Christopher D. Bailey, 44, of 133 E. Liberty Ave., kidnapping, dismissed - indicted, felonious assault, dismissed - indicted, abduction, dismissed - indicted.

William Jay Freeman, 38, of 735 Mansfield Ave., driver license required, bench warrant ordered, DUS- operator licenses forfeiture, bench warrant ordered, DUS- operator licenses forfeiture, bench warrant ordered, FTSSA, bench warrant ordered, stop sign, bench warrant ordered, seat belt passenger, bench warrant ordered.

John Curtis Nall, 36, of 2820 Oletha Ave., domestic violence reduced to menacing, guilty, 25 days of jail, assault, dismissed.

Yountz Sesean Fambro, 28, of New Carlisle, OH, obstructing official business, dismissed, improper use of 911, dismissed.

Matthew S. Gregory, 44, of 2121 Larch St., theft, continued, PD appointed.

Salik K. Orr, 18, of 1503 Mound St., disrupting public service, dismissed, domestic violence, dismissed.

Sunny L. Parsons, 39, of 1941 Mechanicsburg Road, theft, continued, PD appointed.

Travis A. Pearson, 19, of 277 Catherine St., firearms in motor vehicle, dismissed - prosecutor request, operating without valid operator’s license, dismissed - prosecutor request, reckless on private prop., dismissed - prosecutor request.

Jared R. Smith, 45, of 1716 Merrydale, violation of TPO, continued, PD appointed, no contact conducive of bond.

Judith Kay Spitz, 58, of Xenia, OH, OVI reduced to disregard of safety, guilty, fined $100, failure to control, dismissed.

Christopher D. Bailey, 44, of 133 E. Liberty Ave., kidnapping, dismissed - indicted, fel. assault, dismissed - indicted, abduction, dismissed - indicted.