Wendy L. Hockett, 40, of 2678 Allen Dr., firearms in motor vehicle, innocent, continued, pd appointed.
Richardson Laince, 30, of 1913 Lagonda Ave., domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.
Joseph L. Marshall, 34, of New Carlisle, OH, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.
Joshua M. Schell, 31, of Enon, OH, criminal damaging, innocent, continued, napt.
Brenda A. Steimetz, 30, of Hamilton, OH, breaking and entering, bench warrant ordered, bond $5,000.
Timothy P. Taylor, 62, of 1221 E. High St., DUS - operator license forfeiture, dismissed, f/pay reinstatement. fee, dismissed, operating without valid operator license, dismissed, speed/conditions; acd, dismissed.
Dion M. Gatewood, 40, of 1619 S. Fountain Ave., burglary, continued, pd appointed.
Matthew D. Goodridge, 33, of North Hampton, OH, burglary, bench warrant ordered, warrant ordered.
Courtney A. Litteral, 36, of South Charleston, OH, criminal trespass, continued, pd appointed.
Ivana G. Heth, 20, of Port Orange, FL, criminal damaging, guilty, 50 days of jail with 50 days suspended, no further offenses/pay fine and costs, fined $100.
Michelle L. Hilliard, 31, of 1941 Mechanicsburg Rd., domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Ronald S. Mcilroy, 48, of 120 W. Perrin Ave., complicity, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Harry J. Rice, 51, of 906 S. Burnett Rd., weapons under disability, continued, carry concealed weapon, continued, firearms in motor vehicle, continued, OVI, continued, pd appointed.
Frank L. Roberts Jr., 52, of 426 W. Southern Ave., criminal damaging, dismissed.
Heather L. Taylor, 38, of 1082 Mound St., hit skip, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed.
Heather L. Taylor, 33, of Urbana, OH, OVI, guilty, 12 months of driver license suspension, 160 days of jail, jail concurrent with prison sentence, fined $375, speed, dismissed, right of way, dismissed.
Andrey T. Toles, 27, of South Charleston, OH, theft, bench warrant ordered.
George B. Applin, 41, of 317 W. Pleasant St., criminal damaging, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Thomas D. Kendall, 66, of 363 E. High St. Apt 516, violation of TPO, continued, pd appointed.
David C. Skerrett Jr., 24, of 717 S. Lowry Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, operating without valid operator license, bench warrant ordered, illegal plates, bench warrant ordered, tail light provision, bench warrant ordered.
Bobby R. Manning Jr., 48, of Mechanicsburg, OH, violation of TPO, innocent, continued, napt, did not qualify for pd, no contact with Peggy Morgan, OR bond.
Sara R. Ragland, 33, of 1934 Jordan Dr, Apt G, warrant served, defendant jailed, guilty, OR bond.
Jason Speaks, 42, of 517 Stanton Ave., no operator license, continued, OR bond.
James Wells, 43, of 2223 S. Yellow Springs St., warrant served, defendant jailed, guilty, OR bond, warrant served, defendant jailed, guilty, bond $2,500.
Jacob T. Brown, 21, of 1046 Sherman Ave., violation of TPO/CPO, guilty, 160 days of jail, mental health assessment, violation of TPO/CPO, dismissed.
Joseph C. Caudill, 30, of 834 W. North St., menacing, bench warrant ordered, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered.
John C. Keechle, 68, of 6646 Ballentine Pk., OVI, continued, refer to 3 day program, OVI/breath, dismissed, failure to drive on right, dismissed.
Frank L. Roberts Jr., 52, of 426 W. Southern Ave., criminal damaging, dismissed.
Derion R. Whaley, 25, of 1208 Circle Dr., DUI, dismissed, improper turn, dismissed.
Derion R. Whaley, 25, of 1208 Circle Dr., OVI, dismissed, failure to drive on right, dismissed, OVI-mari/metabolite, continued, refer to 3 day program.
Cheyenne N. Smouse, 26, of 633 S. Wittenberg Ave., domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Dale G. Wilson Jr., 33, of 222 Ridge Rd., assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.