The show is a documentary series that explores antique picking and follows skilled pickers in the business as they hunt for valuable antiques to find unique collections and learn the stories behind them.
The pickers have seen a lot of rusty gold over the years and are looking to discover something they’ve never seen before, according to Cineflix.
“We are incredibly excited to continue connecting with the many collectors in the area to discuss their years of picking,” Charles said.
Collectors interested in being considered for the show should reach out to Cineflix by phone at (646) 493-2184 or email at with their full name, phone number, location, and a brief description of your collection with photos.
Pickers only pick private collections or accumulations of antiques, so no stores, flea markets, malls, auction businesses, museums or anything open to the public.
American Pickers, produced by Cineflix Productions for The History Channel, airs new episodes on Mondays at 9 p.m. EST.
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