Mosquito sample in Clark County tests positive for West Nile virus

A mosquito sample in Clark County has tested positive for West Nile virus.

“A recent mosquito sample collected by the Clark County Combined Health District has tested positive for West Nile virus. The positive sample was taken from the Catawba area,” according to a release from the CCCHD.

In response to the confirmed prescience of West Nile virus, according to the release, the CCCHD is:

  • Inspecting the affected area and working with property owners to reduce breeding sources by draining stagnant water or treating stagnant water with products containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti.) Bti is safe for humans and pets and only affects the mosquito larvae.
  • Distributing informational flyers in the affected area.
  • Misting the affected area with Duet to reduce the adult mosquito population when weather permits. While safe for humans and pets, residents who have a concern about misting may opt out by calling 937-390-5600 or emailing the request and their address to
  • Continuing to monitor the area for West Nile virus.

The best way to avoid the virus is to prevent mosquito bites by applying repellents on exposed skin; wear long sleeves and pants or consider staying indoors; if traveling, check for travel advisories; have repellent and long clothes readily available; do outside activities when mosquito activity is less; empty and treat standing water on your property to avoid breeding sites; make sure screens on windows and doors are free of holes or rips, or opt to use air conditioning instead of opening windows.

The CCCHD has sent an alert to the local medical community to facilitate quite diagnosis of the virus, the release stated. For more information, call the health district at 937-390-5600 or visit the website.

The virus is most commonly spread by infected mosquitos who fed on an infected bird. Infected mosquitos can spread the virus to humans and other animals, and it can lead to severe fever, inflammation of the brain or linings of the brain and spinal cord, the release stated. A majority of people who are infected will not show symptoms, but those that do will develop symptoms between three to 14 days after they are bitten. There is no specific treatment and symptoms may last several weeks.

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