Hometown (where you live now): Springfield
Job title: Registered nurse
Where do you work: Springfield Regional Medical Center Emergency Department
Describe what your day is like/what you do: Working in the ER, every day is different. The only thing that is constant is the teamwork and wonderful care from our physicians. My day consists of taking care of multiple patients of different acuities. My day can change in the blink of an eye and I am very thankful for the teamwork in the department. Nursing goes beyond the actual patient care, we are taking care of the patient as whole.
What inspired you to get into health care? We see people on some of their worst days and I wanted to make a difference in someone's life. Knowing that I can make someone smile or feel a little bit better is what inspires me to be the best possible nurse for those patients. I treat every patient like they are my family.
Health Care Hero: ‘I really love my job’
What's a memorable experience you've had in health care? Honestly, there is not just one memorable moment. Every patient is unique and I take a part of each patient with me. Some of them tug at my heart, while others make me laugh or smile. I feel this is what makes me grow as a nurse. It is not something you learn in a textbook, it is something within.
What do you want readers to know about your job right now? Regardless of COVID-19, health care workers are treating every patient with dignity, compassion and comfort. The world is full of unknowns right now, however, with the education and safety precautions, our lives will get back to the new "norm." Being a front-line worker may be intimidating to some, but for me I was called to do this.
Health Care Hero: ‘I became a nurse to make a difference’