CTC students build maintenance facility for Tecumseh

Students in the carpentry program at Clark Career Technical Center are building a 40x60 maintenance building on Tecumseh Local School's campus. Contributed

Students in the carpentry program at Clark Career Technical Center are building a 40x60 maintenance building on Tecumseh Local School's campus. Contributed

Students in the carpentry program at Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) are building a new maintenance building on Tecumseh Local School District’s main campus.

The 40 x 60 building will be used to keep the ground maintenance equipment inside to prevent premature rusting and damage as a result of the weather.

Superintendent Paula Crew said the district is grateful to partner with CTC and that it’s an “absolute win-win partnership.”

“It provides the students with an opportunity to learn the components of their program in a real-world setting. The students learn to use various pieces of equipment throughout the duration of the project, along with planning and problem solving necessary for the build,” she said.

The junior and senior carpentry classes are helping with the build. Seniors arrive in the morning to work about an hour and juniors follow up in the afternoon for about an hour as well, Crew said.

The maintenance building is projected to be completed by the end of the school year, but that will also depend on the weather.

Tecumseh is responsible for the cost of the material for the building, but there are no labor costs since students are doing the project.

The carpentry students have also built several structures at the Clark County Fairgrounds, including a fire barn, dog barn and shelter house.

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