Clark County Public Library introduces updated website

Credit: Bill Lackey

Credit: Bill Lackey

The Clark County Public Library (CCPL) is beginning 2021 with a revamped website containing brand new features and interactive components to make searching materials easier and more user-friendly.

The new site debuted Monday. Library public relations manager Allison Peck said with the winter weather and pandemic keeping many people in, it’s a perfect time to discover or rediscover the library’s offerings.

“There is so much we want to keep on top of and have many cool things with this new site,” she said. “The look will be different, more modern and way more visual, with better, larger cover photos.”

The CCPL tries to redo its website every three to four years as technology changes and improves. These plans were going on before the pandemic hit.

She added the new site will be similar to features that are popular on Amazon’s site.

Highlights will include:

-Smart Searching. It will be easier to navigate by simple terms and categories such as kids’ movies or adult books or people’s names. Peck gave the example of if a student is doing a report on female scientists, they’d enter that phrase and find suggestions immediately.

There will also be easier browsing, to find an exact term one is searching for including names and titles.

-Staff Recommendations. CCPL staff will have a more interactive role offering recommendations including topical subjects such as available media for a certain season of the year or current events.

“We’re engaging our librarians to interact with the public in a more direct way,” Peck said.

-Custom Reading List. Patrons can fill out a short questionnaire on preferred genres or authors and staff librarians can create a custom reading list based on preferences.

-Community Activity. Another feature common on Amazon is a place to share, rate and review materials and check out what others, including fellow patrons and staff, have to say.

Another new item is a 24/7 chat feature. Say a student is up late working on a paper, they can ask a question and can get direct resources for their search. There will also be a press room and blog with access to special collections.

Patrons can also find digital resources more readily available for needs such as information on COVID-19 testing or shots. Users can also get a digital e-card.

CCPL locations are open to patrons under requirements for COVID-19 protocols, as well as for curbside service.

Peck said new materials are released each week. New items include binge boxes of movies which include themed collections such as romantic movies, kids’ movies and others. There are also new games for the latest versions of X-Box and PlayStation systems.

Although the organization isn’t currently doing in-person programs, there are several online including story times for children, writing sessions for teens and other subjects.

Peck said the library will monitor conditions as to when live programming will return. Plans are underway to bring back the summer reading program for kids online and one for adults.

Check out the new website at

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