Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called included:

Justin W. Bowshier, 41, of 822 Broadway St., assault, innocent, continued, no contact/not to be 500 feet 241 Rosewood.

Francis S. Brown, 22, of 1320 Delta Road Apt. C, warrant served, deft jailed, guilty, or bond.

Charles A. Earles, 32, of 882 Stone Crossing Apt. D, domestic violence, innocent, continued, no contact with victim.

Joshua Marano, 19, of 372 S. Douglas Ave., operating without valid operator’s license, guilty, continued, bond set at “no bond.”

James Mitchell Jr., 28, of 115 Catherine St., aggravated menacing, innocent, continued, no contact, or bond.

Lauri L. Moore, 51, of 1500 W. Pleasant St., patient endangerment, innocent, continued, eligible INT.

Daniel Heys, 51, of New Carlisle, OVI, bench warrant ordered.

John Thomas Todhunter, 53, of 351 E. Cecil St., OVI reduced to physical control, guilty, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, fined $375.

Trevor D. Crockran Jr., 20, of 1961 Kenton, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request, assault, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Christopher N. Fontecchio, 37, of 224 Oakwood Place, domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered.

Jameel Islam, 28, of 137 W. John St., drug abuse marijuana, bench warrant ordered.

Kyle Wesley O’Connor, 33, of 5060 Kerns Road, violation of TPO, dismissed.