Jules and her brother Steel were found by a TNR group at a trailer park in Champaign County. There are chronic problems in this area with unaltered cats being abandoned in trailer parks. The TNR group trapped them and had them fixed but thought they were too friendly to be left in a bad situation, so they brought them to Paws Animal Shelter once we had space for them. They are in one of our kitten rooms and are having the time of their lives running around and playing with all of their kitten friends. Stop by and meet these adorable kittens. You’re sure to fall in love and want to adopt at least two of them! They’re very sweet and playful and would be wonderful additions to virtually any family. Come visit them at 1535 West U.S. Highway 36, Urbana. Check out Paws at pawsurbana.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/paws.urbana, on Petfinder at petfinder.com or call 937-653-6233. Paws is in need of volunteers and foster homes. CONTRIBUTED
Champaign County Pet of the Week

Jules and her brother Steel were found by a TNR group at a trailer park in Champaign County. There are chronic problems in this area with unaltered cats being abandoned in trailer parks. The TNR group trapped them and had them fixed but thought they were too friendly to be left in a bad situation, so they brought them to Paws Animal Shelter once we had space for them. They are in one of our kitten rooms and are having the time of their lives running around and playing with all of their kitten friends. Stop by and meet these adorable kittens. You’re sure to fall in love and want to adopt at least two of them! They’re very sweet and playful and would be wonderful additions to virtually any family. Come visit them at 1535 West U.S. Highway 36, Urbana. Check out Paws at pawsurbana.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/paws.urbana, on Petfinder at petfinder.com or call 937-653-6233. Paws is in need of volunteers and foster homes. CONTRIBUTED
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