Latest redistricting news: What’s happening today, will congressional maps stand?

It’s been a busy morning after a busy night in Ohio redistricting and primary news. Here’s the latest as of Tuesday morning:

  • This morning the Ohio Supreme Court gave litigants challenging the latest Ohio congressional district maps 25 days to present their written arguments. This came in an order by Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor, a Republican. Democrats and voting rights group had hoped the the state’s high court justices would rule on the U.S. House district maps before early voting starts on April 5.
  • Last night, Ohio Republicans abandoned hired independent mapmakers and instead passed tweaked versions of their last maps they passed, which the Ohio Supreme Court previously ruled were unconstitutional. This has drawn strong rebukes from Democrats and voting rights activists this morning.
  • Lawmakers are considering a bill to delay the primary set for May 3 to June 28. The Ohio Senate Rules and Reference Committee this morning sent the bill to the Local Government and Elections Committee.
  • Meanwhile, a federal court could rule on the primary on Wednesday as part of an ongoing lawsuit from Republican activists asking the court to impose the Ohio General Assembly district maps that the Ohio Supreme court rejected last month as unconstitutional for not reflecting the state’s voters and unfairly favoring Republicans.

The Dayton Daily News will have more news on redistricting and the primary throughout the day. Check for updates.

Here are the Ohio General Assembly district maps passed by the Ohio Redistricting Commission Monday night.

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