H.S. Results 4/13



Thursday’s Results

Arcanum 10, National Trail 2: A: Christ 2-3 2 RS 2 RBI, Kessler 3-4 3 RBI, Sharp 3-5 2 RS.

Badin 3, Chaminade Julienne 0: B: Moore 2-3 2B 3B 2 RBI, Bowling RBI, Copenhaver W 11 K.

Belmont 2, Briggs 0

Cin. Christian 18, Norwood 2

Covington 6, Miami East 5: C: Jay W 4 K, Palsgrove 2-4 RBI, Taylor 2-3 RBI.

Fairbanks 10, Elgin 6

Greeneview 11, Bellbrook 4

Indian Lake 5, West Liberty Salem 4

Meadowdale 6, Dunbar 3

Mechanicsburg 10, Emmanuel Christian 0: M: Eyink 1-1 2B 2 RBI, W 8 K, Poland 2-2 2 RBI 2 RS, Dietrich 1-2 2 RBI.

Moeller 10, Talawanda 0

Piqua 9, Tippecanoe 4

Preble Shawnee 4, Bradford 1: PS: Hutchinson W 13 K, 2-3 2B, Schmidt 2-4.

Riverside 10, Milton-Union 0: R: Orsborne 3-4 3 RBI, Crouch 2-3 RBI, Shockey 2-3 3 RS 2 RBI.

Ross 6, St. Xavier 4

Tri-County North 7, Franklin Monroe 6

Tri-Village 9, Dixie 2: TV: Hale 2-4 2 RBI, Lipps 2-4 2 RS RBI. D: Puckett 1-3 RBI.

Troy Christian 4, Bethel 3: TC: McDonald 2-3 2 RBI, Major 2-3 2B RBI 2 RS.

Wednesday’s Results

Beavercreek 8, Springfield 6

Bellbrook 6, Monroe 4: M: Braun 1-4 2 RBI, Tarin 2-3 2 RS, Heagen 1-3 3B.

Carlisle 6, Valley View 2: VV: Degroat 2-4 RBI, Hypes 1-2 RBI.

Emmanuel Christian 13, Triad 9

Fairmont 4, Springboro 2

Fenwick 11, Chaminade Julienne 10: CJ: Frasure 2-3 HR 2 RBI 3 RS, Peltier 2-4 3 RS 2 RBI. F: Von Bargen 2-3 2B 2 RS 3 RBI, Williamson 1-3 2 RS RBI, Hensley 1-3 2B 2 RS RBI.

Franklin 7, Waynesville 2: F: Monk 2-4 2B 2 RBI, Prickett 1-3 2B 2 RBI, Hipsher 1-3 RBI.

Graham 6, North Union 2

Indian Lake 16, Northwestern 1

Jonathan Alder 11, Bellefontaine 10

Kenton Ridge 10, Tecumseh 0

Lakota East 11, Colerain 1: LE: Fry 3-3 2 RS, Tower 2-2 2B 2 RS RBI, Helton 1-1 2B 2 RBI.

Lebanon 10, Little Miami 0

Mason 7, Lakota West 4

Newton 15, Fairlawn 2

Northridge 13, Stebbins 3: S: Cornett 1-2 RBI, Duke RBI.

Oak Hills 11, Middletown 4

Piqua 11, Sidney 6

Preble Shawnee 14, Middletown Madison 4: PS: Davison W 8 K, Adams 2-2 2B 4 RBI, Schmidt 2-2.

Princeton 3, Fairfield 1

Sycamore 3, Hamilton 2: H: Stone 2-3 2B 2 RBI, Lindsey 1-3 2B.

Talawanda 25, Mt. Healthy 0

Trotwood 18, Meadowdale 10

Urbana 5, Benjamin Logan 3


Thursday’s Results

Ansonia 10, Newton 0

Arcanum 17, National Trail 7

CHCA 14, Cin. Christian 1

Chaminade Juliene 12, Greenon 11

Covington 12, Miami East 9

Fairborn 10, Carroll 1

Fenwick 13, McNicholas 1: F: Augspurger 4-4 2B 3B 2 RBI 2 RS, Levo 3-4 2B 2 RBI, Von Bargen 2-4 2B 3 RBI.

Graham 5, Shawnee 4

Indian Lake 11, Wapakoneta 2

Mason 6, Lakota West 1

Miamisburg 6, Troy 3

Middletown 14, Ursuline Academy 4

Middletown Madison 11, Stebbins 1: MM: Phelps 3-3 2 2B 3 RBI 2 RS, Tinkham 2-3 2 2B RBI, Byrd 2-3 2B 3 RBI.

Monroe 23, Cin. Country Day 6: M: Bare 2-4 2 RBI, Goforth 4-4 4 RBI 4 RS, Witte 2-2 3B 4 RBI 3 RS.

North Union 7, West Jefferson 2

Oak Hills 6, Hamilton 4

Riverside 5, Milton-Union 1

Seven Hills 22, New Miami 2

Springboro 9, St. Ursula 1

Tri-County North 5, Franklin Monroe 4

Twin Valley South 16, Mississinawa Valley 6

Wednesday’s Results

Bellbrook 15, Monroe 5: M: Bare 2-3 2B 3B RBI, Spears 2-3 HR RBI.

Benjamin Logan 23, Urbana 1

Belmont 19, Trotwood 6

Carlisle 18, Valley View 1

Covington 7, Greenville 6: C: Lemp 3-4 2 RS RBI, Newhouse 1-2 2 RS.

Eaton 16, Brookville 1

Fairfield 10, Lakota West 3: F: Clark 3-4 2B HR 3 RS 2 RBI, Stanfield 2-4 2B 2 RBI, Michaud 1-4 2B 2 RBI.

Hamilton 7, Mason 5

Harrison 10, Ross 0

Indian Lake 12, Northwestern 2

Jonathan Alder 13, Bellefontaine 3

Kenton Ridge 7, Tecumseh 0: KR: Ropp W 11 K, Wright 2-3 3B, Massie 2-4.

London 9, Springfield Shawnee 1

Middletown 11, Colerain 8

Middletown Madison 13, Preble Shawnee 3: MM: Phelps 3-5 2 RS RBI, Priest 4-4 3 RBI, Swartz 3-4 3B 3 RBI 2 RS.

NDCL 7, Fairbanks 5

Newton 22, Mississinawa Valley 12: N: VanCulin W, Montgomery 2B 4 RBI 4 RS, Davie 5 RBI.

North Union 14, Graham 3

Northmont 14, Wayne 0

Oak Hills 14, Lakota East 4

Talawanda 12, Edgewood 2

Troy 12, West Carrollton 0

West Liberty-Salem 9, Triad 3

Boys Tennis

MVTCA Area Rankings

Division I

1. Springboro; 2. Beavercreek; 3. Centerville/Tippecanoe; 5. Bellbrook; 6. Troy; 7. Miamisburg; 8. Centerville B; 9. Beavercreek B; 10. Fairmont/Butler.

Division II

1. Oakwood; 2. Chaminade Julienne; 3. Dayton Christian; 4. Milton Union; 5. Yellow Springs; 6. Miami Valley; 7. Valley View; 8. Northwestern; 9. Carlisle; 10. Alter/Carroll.

Thursday’s Results

Chaminade Julienne 5 Yellow Springs 0 Zelinski d. Smith-Heston 7-5 6-3; Dickman d. Seavone 6-0 6-1; Wendling d. McClean 7-5 6-3; Hofstetter/Weatherspoon d. Knemeyer/Knemeyer 6-1 6-3; Frank/Thomas d. Sage-Frobotta/Onfroy-Corley 6-1 6-4.

Tippecanoe A 5, Fairborn 0: Hackenberger d. Gully 6-0, 6-0; Davis d. Picarello 6-1, 6-0; Hartke d. Smith 6-0, 6-2; List/Vonderheide d. Kurtz/Landon 6-1, 6-0; Owen/Li d. Smith/Stanley 6-1, 6-2.

Tippecanoe B 3, Miami Valley 2: Jain (MV) d. Hoover, 6-0 6-0; Jones (MV) d. Darner, 6-2 6-2; Chesshir (T) d. Gupta, 6-3 6-4; Mehta/Blake (T) d. Sadhu/Varaghese, 7-5 7-5; Neves/Sakumoto (T) d. Gupta/Trueba, 6-1 6-2.

Troy 5, Sidney 0: Masunaga (T) d. Furukawa 6-1, 6-0; Nichols (T) d. Hogan 6-4, 6-2; Burns (T) d. Herrera 6-1, 6-0; Gluck/Whitehead (T) d. Woodell/Baldauf. 6-2, 6-0; Harris/Rajput (T) d. Slaven/Steervod 6-2, 6-0

Wednesday’s Results

Badin 4, Princeton 1: Chen (B) d. Hall, 6-4 6-1; Richard (P) d. Chen, 6-2 6-4; Hartford (B) d. Trinh, 6-0 6-4; Poehner/Tokarcyzk (B) d. McDaniel/Schmahl, 6-1 6-1; Zettler/Richardson (B) d. Trinh/Irwin, 6-2 6-0.

Bellbrook 4, Chaminade Julienne 1: Songer (B) d. Zelinski 6-4 6-0; Grismer (B) d. Dickman 7-6 4-6 6-1; Grismer (B) d. Wendling 2-6 6-2 6-4; Hall/Howell (B) d. Hofstetter/Weatherspoon 7-6 2-6 6-4; Thomas/Caldwell (CJ) d. Vincent/Dore 6-7 6-2 6-2.

Centerville 4, Tippecanoe B 1: Hoover (T) d. Rhoads, 6-3 6-4; Wildermuth (C) d. Darner, 6-1 6-1; Gale (C) d. Chesshir, 2-6 6-1 6-3; Shamkar/Akella (C) d. Blake/Mehta, 6-3 6-2; Leedy/Lu (C) d. Neves/Sakumoto, 6-3 6-1.

Milton Union 4, Valley View B 1: Iddings (M) def Laycock (V) 6-0, 6-0; Kress (M) def Cordell (V) 6-0, 6-1; Ayerson (M) def Speck (V) 6-3, 7-5; Cooke/Neal (V) def. Copp/Combs (M) 6-3, 6-2; Grodich/Shaurer (M) def Christian/Jirka (V) 6-2, 6-2.

Tippecanoe A 3, Centerville 2: Galbraith (C) d. Hackenberger, 6-4 2-6 7-5; Von Krosigk (T) d. Rola, 6-3 4-6 6-0; Davis (T) d. Xiao, 6-2 6-1; Hardie/Edwards (C) d. Nichols/Hartke, 3-6 6-0 6-3; List/Vonderheide (T) d. Khachane/Krause.

Valley View W 4, Stebbins 1: Orozco (V) def. Twong (S) 7-5, 7-5; Knopse (S) def VanHorn (V) 4-6, 6-4, 6-2; Jensen (V) def. Jones (S) 6-0, 6-1; Kinder/Walker (V) def. Olson/Vest (S) 6-3, 1-6, 6-2; Lawson/Caskey (V) def. Luong/Jones (S) 6-2, 6-0.


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