H.S. Results 1/24: Lakota West girls win eighth straight game


Boys Basketball

Tuesday’s Results

Badin 44, Wilmington 39: B: Ollis 14, Wissman 13.

Botkins 47, Jackson Center 37: B: Doseck 21, Meyer 14.

Butler 49, Troy 34

Carlisle 52, Valley View 38: C: Lawson 32, Taylor 11.

Catholic Central 48, Greenon 42: G: Spangler 16, Bowman 11. CC: Guenther 12.

Cedarville 70, Southeastern 69, 2OT: C: Cross 15, Criswell 15, Johnson 15.

Centerville 65, Beavercreek 54: C: Montgomery 17, Njie 16.

Chaminade Julienne 63, Dunbar 58, OT: CJ: Cartwright 20. D: Brewer 21.

Covington 56, Bethel 49: C: Angle 14, Miller 13, Palsgrove 13, Hite 10.

Delphos St. John’s 54, Parkway 41: DSJ: Elwer 32. P: Stearns 17.

Edgewood 56, Ross 53

Fairbanks 75, Mechanicsburg 48

Fairborn 62, Piqua 51: P: Kuhlman 22, Anderson 13, Medley 10.

Fairfield 58, Middletown 56: F: Lewis 18, Sanders 11, Crim 11, Ingram 10. M: Maldonado 19, Shields 14, Stamper 13.

Fairmont 59, Springfield 37

Fenwick 62, Preble Shawnee 28

Franklin 61, Bellbrook 52: F: Cook 23, Black 15, Murphy 10. B: Solomon 16, Scohy 15.

Indian Lake 54, Urbana 53

La Salle 63, Purcell Marian 45

Lakota East 47, Mason 44: LE: Perry 13, Bachman 10.

Lakota West 65, Princeton 57: LW: Green 20, Curry 10.

London 64, Benjamin Logan 29

Miami East 56, Lehman Catholic 47: LC: O’Leary 25. ME: Roeth 17, Rohrer 16, Wolfe 12.

Miami Valley 54, Tri-County North 49

Miamisburg 61, Northmont 55: M: Hoerner 20, Osmanski 18, Dunaway 12, Wharton 11. N: Drummond 19, Hatcher 15.

Middletown Madison 57, Monroe 52: MM: Combs 16.

Minster 74, Ansonia 48

Northridge 64, Riverside 48: N: Davis 20, Smith 14, Evans 14. R: Osborne 15, Platfoot 13.

Northwest 72, Goshen 64

Oak Hills 53, Colerain 26

Oakwood 69, Eaton 58

Russia 78, Houston 26

Sidney 56, West Carrollton 44: S: Davis 14, Spradling 14, Steele 12, Daniel 12.

Springboro 64, Wayne 53: S: Yates 28, Butler 19.

Sycamore 54, Hamilton 43: H: Holden 18.

Tecumseh 49, Graham 43: T: Stafford 14, Cassell 12, Wehener 11.

Thurgood Marshall 60, Middletown Christian 58

Tippecanoe 49, Stebbins 35: T: Smith 22, Bailey 11, Sivon 10. S: Carter 12, Bishop 10.

Troy Christian 69, Milton-Union 37: TC: Penrod 18, Brusman 10, Taylor 10. MU: Lovin 12.

Waynesville 56, Brookville 48: B: Fisher 15, Wood 11, King 10.

West Liberty-Salem 45, West Jefferson 40: WLS: Logwood 12, Louden 11, Hostetler 10.

Western Hills 86, Trotwood-Madison 79: T: Blanton 25.

Xenia 66, Greenville 46

Girls Basketball

Wednesday’s Results

Alter 46, Chaminade Julienne 36

Beavercreek 52, Wayne 49

Butler 43, Troy 22: B: Schoenherr 13.

Cedarville 35, Madison Plains 30

Cin. Christian 49, Cin. College Prep 40

Fairbanks 49, Triad 30: F: Boehm 12.

Fairmont 43, Miamisburg 34: F: Thornton 15, Roark 12.

Greeneview 41, Southeastern 33

Harrison 38, Mt. Healthy 29

Jonathan Alder 51, Urbana 34

Lakota East 66, Fairfield 25: F: Richardson 11. LE: Blount 16, Asher 15.

Lakota West 47, Oak Hills 39: LW: Fox 15, Bayliff 12.

Mason 64, Colerain 22

Meadowdale 64, Trotwood 31

Middletown 66, Hamilton 46: M: Edwards 11, Benson 11, Daniels 11. H: McKinzie 18, Kirkland 14.

New Miami 40, SCPA 6

Norwood 61, Thurgood Marshall 58

Piqua 52, Fairborn 28

Princeton 62, Sycamore 31

Sidney 44, West Carrollton 35

Springboro 57, Springfield 21

Springfield Shawnee 43, Benjamin Logan 40: SS: Reese 16, Wilson 12.

Talawanda 52, Northwest 25: T: Bothast-Revalee 16, Weekley 11, Short 10.

Tuesday’s Results

Lakota West 56, Princeton 48: LW: Williams 13, Fox 11, Johnson 11, Neilson 11, Bayliff 10.

Lima Bath 47, Delphos St. John’s 27

Mississinawa Valley 54, Union City (IN) 51: MV: Price 20.

St. Marys 48, Marion Local 45: SM: Rable 21, Jacobs 18. ML: Dirksen 16.

Tri-County North 48, Twin Valley South 43: TCN: Garcia 17, Webster 12.

Wapakoneta 37, Bellefontaine 31

West Jefferson 43, Madison Plains 36

Boys Bowling

Wednesday’s Results

Dayton Christian 2355, Newton 1694: DC: Fuller 215 game, Bartley 179 game.

Tuesday’s Results

Graham 2870, Indian Lake 2072

Riverside 2595, Newton 1875

Mechanicsburg 2846, Southeastern 2571: M: Wittmann 451 series, Brumfield 449 series.

Girls Bowling

Wednesday’s Results

Dayton Christian 1577, Newton 1562: DC: Millar 170 game, Fei 160 game.

Tuesday’s Results

Mechanicsburg 2647, Southeastern 2105: M: Dingledine 393 series, Ford 375 series.

Riverside 1852, Newton 1716


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