Healthy Springfield: Springfield woman loses 25 pounds

Healthy Springfield Weight Loss Success Story

Name: Amber Vanderpool

Age: 34

City: Springfield

Total weight loss: 25 pounds

When and why did you decide to make a lifestyle change?

On Jan. 2, I decided to make my lifestyle change. I was the heaviest I had ever been. During my daughter’s birthday party, I was winded when I was ice skating with her for five minutes and I knew I had to make a change.

How did you lose the weight?

First and foremost, drinking water and eating right. I also exercise four times a week and walk at least 10,000 steps a day.

What keeps you motivated?

I’m motivated by how healthy I feel. I’m not as sleepy and I wear two sizes smaller pants.

What advice would you give individuals seeking to lose weight?

The advice I would give is find an accountability partner for eating and exercise support. It’s 2016 and there are so many apps out there where you can add friends that can support you along your journey.

What’s your favorite healthy meal?

My breakfast smoothie. Spinach, Kale, Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and a banana. Breakfast of champions and you get a serving of fruits and veggies.

What’s your favorite cheat meal?

Steak and mashed potatoes, but even when I cheat now, I use portion control.

What Clark County or Springfield resources did you use as part of your success story?

The main thing was joining the Springfield Peace Center Weight Loss Challenge. I also joined all the gyms in Springfield because each one has something that I liked.