Fireworks at Clark County Fairgrounds set for Monday night

Bill Lackey/Staff

Bill Lackey/Staff

Springfield and Clark County residents can enjoy Independence Day fireworks Monday night.

Clark County National Trail Parks and Recreation District is hosting fireworks at the Clark County Fairgrounds. Gates will open at 6 p.m. and fireworks will begin at dark, around 10 p.m.

“There are very few community events that bring people together like fireworks at fairgrounds,” Melanie Flax Wilt said. “It’s an opportunity for families to spend time together, for friends to get together and celebrate something positive. There is an opportunity for everybody to come out, it’s a free event that’s made possible by businesses and the community.”

Penny Dunbar, a recreation specialist with National Trails, leads the organization for the fireworks and said it is a family friendly event. There will be live music by the Hasting & Co. with the opening act by Tana Matz beginning at 7 p.m. at the grandstands.

“The best viewing is at the fairgrounds,” Dunbar said, adding that some people like to park outside the fairgrounds to view the show. “When you’re inside, you get to see the low, medium and high fireworks.”

Flax Wilt said that the event is especially popular with families.

“There are opportunities to buy food from different vendors and people make a whole evening out of it,” she said. “Families can even bring their dinner, throw a picnic and spend time as a family and from the time it opens to when the fireworks go off, there is a full evening spent together.”

No alcohol will be permitted and a rain date is set for July 2.

The event costs over $25,000 and is paid for with no tax money, Flax Wilt said. The event wouldn't be possible if not for sponsors, donors and support from the community. A donation portal has been created and posted on the National Trail website,

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Flax Wilt said in the past, like this year, businesses have been the largest donors. But now individuals can donate what they think the event is worth to them.

“If there’s a family that wants to help keep it going, it would be wonderful if they make a donation because it is expensive and we end up right at the wire every year,” she said. “Any donation, $25 - $50, would create a little bit of cushion for next year.”

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