I dropped by the Enon Primary office this week and found Secretary Leslie Renner working behind counters stacked high with boxes of school supplies.
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“Those boxes weren’t here yesterday,” she said with a laugh.
From the door I could see that the halls were abuzz with teachers and maintenance personnel all excited about the beginning of the school year.
School starts on Aug. 21 for both Greenon and Tecumseh but each district is going about the business of this last week in their own ways.
The suspense is over for Tecumseh District students. All the class lists and schedules have already been posted or picked up. Freshman Orientation has already taken place at Tecumseh High School, but there are still lots of activities and events scheduled before school can start.
The Tecumseh District website is well-organized and up to date. Visit tecumseh.k12.oh.us to see the latest news and get all the details to mark your own calendars.
Open Houses in the Tecumseh district are next week and I cannot promote these enough. Parents or Guardians need to make every possible effort to go to Open Houses.
Two Tecumseh District schools have Open House on Monday Aug. 19. Tecumseh High School has Open House from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The Tecumseh Middle School has their event from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Please note - these are purposely not starting or ending at the same time so that parents with children in both schools can attend both events. I advise comfortable shoes.
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The Tecumseh Elementary Schools have Open Houses on Tuesday evening. Park Layne is from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Donnelsville is from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. and New Carlisle is from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
If you want to be an angel for parents during these open houses, volunteer to watch their babies and busy toddlers so that the grownups can focus on the students that evening. It will be a gift to the students, parents, and teachers.
Greenon Local School District has a really cool page on their website that all the parents/guardians need to check out. The website address is http://greenonschools.org On the Home page click on “Back to School” on the black menu bar at the top.
What a great gift this is having all this back to school information in one spot. I would have loved this when our girls were at Greenon.
Class lists are distributed in a different way in this district so pay attention if your kids go to Greenon Local.
Seventh Grade students get their schedules and class assignments at Orientation tomorrow. Seventh Grade Orientation is at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday Aug. 15, at the High School.
Elementary students will have their traditional class list posted at their schools, Enon Primary for PK - Grade 1 and Indian Valley for grades 2 through 6, at 3 p.m. this coming Friday Aug. 16.
Enon Primary Open House (PK-1) is from 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Monday Aug. 19. Indian Valley Open House is from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m. also on Aug. 19.
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Students from Grades 8 through 12 will have to wait until Open House to get schedules. This Open House for grades 7 - 12 is set for Monday Aug. 19 from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. at Greenon Jr./Sr. High School. According to the website, if schedules and class assignments are available sooner, students will be notified
Kindergarten has different start days from everyone else and this is based on students’ last names.
As the website posts, “Kindergarten students with last names starting with A-M will attend school on Wednesday, Aug. 21, and will not attend on Thursday, August 22. Kindergarten students with last names starting with N-Z will not attend school on Wednesday, Aug. 21 and will attend on Thursday, Aug. 22. All students will begin attending together on Friday, Aug. 23.
Preschool Students start Aug. 26.
Both school district websites have detailed student supply lists, which is really helpful if you left your list at home when you went shopping.
Communication is so important to get the year off to the good start. Both of these school websites are full of great information and links to even more good stuff.
Teachers and Administrators will still be sending information home. Please don’t ignore those papers the kids bring home at the end of the day, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand.
I’m praying and wishing for a wonderful school year for everyone.
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