What sets Christian educational opportunities apart?

In the many faceted arena of school choice, where does a biblically based Christian educational opportunity fit? Understanding that Emmanuel Christian Academy is one of many choices to meet the state mandated academic requirements toward graduation, what sets Christian education apart?

We are led by an independent board that helps keep us focused on the final goal of our mission, which is to prepare students to know and follow God’s calling for their lives. Don’t hear that as some nebulous or fluffy religious mumbo jumbo. While we share many of the same goals for our students as other educational programs, we look well beyond graduation, college acceptance and success and securing a good job in a career field chosen by our graduates. Yes, those are very important steps that we take seriously, but our vision is more far reaching. In fact, it is eternal.

We do not simply layer weekly chapel or Bible classes on top of an otherwise secular academic program and call it Christian education. Through the work of our faculty and staff we seek to integrate biblical truth into the very fabric of our daily lessons, our approach to discipline, our work with families and our outreach to the community. Our work is to not only prepare the minds of our students for their future but to also prepare their hearts for the calling that lies ahead of them in life. Every educational setting, whether by conscious choice or by simply letting it happen, is teaching or approving a worldview. Some approach this as character education. We call it biblical worldview integration.

Advanced placement and courses for college credit are offered by nearly all of the educational settings in the area. We are included in that list. Our students are prepared for and are accepted to the colleges and universities of their choosing. Some choose schools to continue pursuing Christian education in their post-secondary work. Others select secular schools or career training.

Like other schools, ECA has service hour requirements. Our approach to community service is not one of checking something off of a to-do list toward graduation. Our heart level effort is to teach students that making a contribution to their community is Christian outreach at its best. We give back because we can. We give back because we have received so much. A target of our work is to have students see and meet the needs of others, and to be compelled to do so even without service being a school requirement.

Where does a Christian educational opportunity fit into the school decision making process many parents go through? If you want your child prepared for the rigors of college and the call to a life in the Kingdom of God that is full of joyful confidence, stop by and see us for some fresh answers to your questions.

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