“Mrs. Heims is a thoughtful leader who is passionate about providing exceptional learning opportunities for students, supporting educators, and the values of Clark-Shawnee Schools,” said Superintendent Brian Kuhn in a release. “We look forward to seeing Shawnee Middle and High School continue to be a leader in the region under her direction.”
The district is currently in its selection process to hire new principals at Reid School and Possum.
The district announced a new administrative design it will start using in the fall of 2019, according to the release.
Heims will provide leadership to 7th through 12th grade. Amanda Ike will be the middle school director for grades 7 and 8 and Chad Mossing will be the high school director for grades nine through 12, according to ot the release.
Former Shawnee High School Principal Nathan Dockter retired at the end of the 2018-2019 school year.
“Under the new administration style, Mrs. Heims will be able to provide instructional leadership and vision to create a cohesive experience for all secondary students at Clark-Shawnee, while Ms. Ike and Mr. Mossing draw on their experience and knowledge to see to the unique needs of each level,” said Kuhn in a statement. “We believe this will help maintain the excellent education Clark-Shawnee is known for and provide opportunities for growth and innovation at the campus.”
Heims has served as principal of Possum School since 2012. Prior to joining Clark-Shawnee, she was the principal at Northridge Middle School from 2009 to 2012 and taught at South Vienna Middle School for more than 15 years.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from John Carroll University, a master’s degree in science education from Wright State University and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Antioch University, where she also earned her principal licensure.
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